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Sunday, April 28, 2013

Army Says No To More Tanks, But Congress Insists

Built to dominate the enemy in combat, the Army's hulking Abrams tank is proving equally hard to beat in a budget battle.

Lawmakers from both parties have devoted nearly half a billion dollars in taxpayer money over the past two years to build improved versions of the 70-ton Abrams

But senior Army officials have said repeatedly, "No thanks."

It's the inverse of the federal budget world these days, in which automatic spending cuts are leaving sought-after pet programs struggling or unpaid altogether. Republicans and Democrats for years have fought so bitterly that lawmaking in Washington ground to a near-halt.
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  1. Congress knows better with all their military experience , NOT.
    Just spend it !!

  2. This is some crazy crap....

  3. Totally missing from the article and thought processes here is the logical question,"Well, if you don't need us to build you Abrams tanks, what can we design and build for you?" No, the plant doesn't want to lay off the people for 3 years, but there must be another need from either the private sector or another government branch. And then, if not, well it has to be layoff time.

  4. Thats so that they continue to get kick backs from government contracts.

  5. 7:05 that is not the army nor the gov place to say. the owners should look into that. if you build 1 single item, you should be prepared for time when that item is not needed. diversify

  6. what is going to happen is, they will still make and buy them tanks, needed or not... Then they will say we have a surplus of tanks and then sell them at a lowered cost to the muslim controlled countries...

  7. Or, 832, DHS will take them to go with their 1.4 billion rounds of ammo for the "Big one".


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