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Sunday, April 28, 2013

Are The Citizens Of Salisbury Stupid? I Don't Think So.

It's budget season and right out of the election gate Mayor Jim Ireton wants to raise your taxes by 8%, yet he wants you to believe with the reduction of water and sewer fees it will balance things out. 

Considering there was a surplus in the water and sewer funds this past year, Ireton wants you to believe that his 8% tax increase won't hurt as bad but that's just not true. 

You see, during one of our debates with the Chamber of Commerce, (not televised) I asked Mayor Ireton if it was true that we're only paying INTEREST in the waste water treatment plant at this time. The Mayor openly agreed. 

That means right now we are only paying a minimal amount of money towards the now $140,000,000.00 final product. Once we have to start paying the REAL principal towards the new plant, our payments will go through the roof. 

So now you'll have an 8% tax increase and a massive new payment in the near future on the WWTP. Did Ireton think we were just going to roll over and play dead on this one? What happened to the $16,000,000.00 surplus? Yes, it was your election to lose Salisbury.


  1. District 2 you are responsible and you deserve the pain.

  2. This town deserves what it gets...

  3. funny how this sort of thing gets
    ignored. oh well what do we expect?
    thanks sjd

  4. Your heading is wrong.. because the citizens of SBY are stupid...

    Really stupid if you ask me...

  5. Since they voted the same pansy mayor and that left wing liberal Jake Day in. HaHaHa I hope they tax the pants off each everyone that voted for them. That is all you get when you get liberals in office. Glad I don't live in Salisbury lol.

  6. Add the mayors 8% and Pollitts 8% now that's 16% and I don't care cause I live in Seaford Delaware HA HA HA SUCKERS

  7. Will those of us who voted for Campbell be exempted from the tax increase?

  8. Maybe Kay Gibson will run for Mayor.

  9. You just made a post supporting Hoppes and now you are complaining about a tax increase and waste? WTH!

  10. Ms. Gibson is a great deal smarter than Jake Day! All he wants to do is rush through the meeting, the proposals, the talking so no one has time to read and think anything through. Then guess who gets it in the end???? not the mayor, but we the taxpaying citizens. He needs experience, and to shut up and let someone with the ability to think, and speak ie. Cohen do the talking because he sure can'tdo either!!!

  11. Since Ireton is mayor for two more years I have leased my house, am moving this weekend and have a contract in on home outside of Salisbury. I pay over 4,000 a year in taxes, 800 a year in water bills and cannot rent the "city licensed" apartment over my garage because for 20 years planning and zoning didn't know it existed - yet it was inspected and licensed for six years by the same city. Had enough!

  12. 3:48pm with 8% increase city taxes, and 8% increase county taxes, there are going to be a great many more of us leaving soon.

  13. Delaware and Virginia (and Worcester County) gotta luv Salisbury-Ireton/Day and Wicomico-Pollitt.

  14. As a Salisbury citizen who voted. I can only say that myself and fellow citizens of this wonderful town are to stupid to read this post let alone comprehend this MENSA level commentary. Thank God our wonderful "rainbow deuche" mayor can do all the thinking for us as we enjoy the ride into the bowells of hell. Oh yeah we are already there. Ghettobury, MD.

  15. I wish there was a way for me to leave. house is paid for but can't get enough for it to get somewhere equivalent that won't require a mortgage.
    (not that big, 1600 sq.ft.)

  16. So are the people who voted for him complaining? Interview a few of them about it.

  17. 10:37, everyone who voted for him should pay the taxes of those who can't along with their their own since they are so "happy" to have a tax increase.


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