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Sunday, April 21, 2013

Another KILLER Homosexual Epidemic

“Gay” sex is becoming even more dangerous.

Health officials are warning sexually active “gay” men about an outbreak of potentially deadly bacterial meningitis in Los Angeles and New York.
The disease has infected 22 people in New York and caused seven deaths since 2010. Health officials in Los Angeles are testing to see if the strain infecting “gay” men there is the same one hitting New York.

The AIDS Healthcare Foundation began offering free meningitis vaccines today after a “gay” man from West Hollywood was declared brain dead on Friday.

Thirty-three-year-old lawyer Brett Shaad died within a week of feeling sick.

Authorities suspect he was exposed to bacterial meningitis at a party in Palm Springs the weekend of March 30 that attracts “gay” revelers from across the country.


  1. Wow! Didn't take long for the new Pope to make his mark!

  2. The good Lord says that gay people are wrong.
    Aids was first , HIV and now this , he will not tolerate gays.
    I won't either!

  3. can we ban them they are killers

  4. This has nothing to do with being gay and everything to do with promiscuity.

  5. 7:01 Your blatant attempt at diminishing the perversion of homosexuality is typical progressive liberal socialist propaganda. This is just a subtle way of continuously chipping away at moral standards of society and trying to cast blame elsewhere as a deflection of the truth.
    Firstly, they are not "gay". They are queer, homosexuals. The queer lifestyle is obviously dangerous to your health in many ways, more so than heterosexuals, even the promiscuous ones.
    Stop trying to rewrite fact with wish and opinion.

  6. 8:18 is, as we young folk say "Dropping Knowledge"....don't worry its a good thing.

  7. I wonder how many gay parties our city mare has attended.

    1. Probably more than the amount of the pink flamingo population on earth 9:49.

  8. @8:18,9:48

    I can guarantee that everyone else that is morally suspect to your beliefs is automatically in the wrong, until they are either close to you or end up being you.

    I doubt we can all stand here and say that we are models of morality. You can believe what you believe, but don't attack my observation (and what is probably true; homosexuals are more promiscuous) as my personal agenda. The world is not against you, but you appear to be against the world.

  9. 12:05 is ANOTHER attempt at diminishing the level of WRONG.

    Queer is wrong and against natural law On every level.
    The spread of Bacterial meningitis is but a symptom of the broader disease.

  10. Let them rot themselves away.

  11. i guess the city will foot the bill for jim's vaccine lol


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