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Saturday, April 13, 2013

Alex Guerrero Wins Main Event

I'm not going to give a lot of details about Alex Guerrero's win tonight but you can expect details and photos on Monday, (as we usually do).

I will say this. Alex is a fine tuned professional machine and he proved it tonight. He was patient and he dominated the fight each and every round. 

His opponent had a punch like no one I've ever seen Alex fight but Alex was well guarded and took his time picking him apart. 

You really have to tip you hat to Coach Hal Chernoff. Not just because he's a friend. The man has trained a series of amateurs and now professionals and they just keep winning. 

Congratulations Main Street Gym and the Guerrero Family. More to come Monday.


  1. WooHoo! Way To Go, Alex!

  2. CONGRATS ALEX!!!!! Look forward to his future fights!


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