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Thursday, April 18, 2013

A Letter To The Editor: "STOP FUNDS For Inhumane Society Of Wicomico County"

WICOMICO COUNTY ANIMAL LOVERS...ACT NOW if you want the Humane Society of Wicomico County to be changed. YOU have to make it happen!!! Rick Pollitt has proposed giving them $54,000 more revenue ($294,436) than last year's ($240,000) on a 32-year-old contract dated August 4th, 1981 which allows the Board of Directors to set policies & procedures with NO ACCOUNTABILITY to Wicomico County Government or citizens. Their 2011 Income tax form showed $771,908 ASSETS --- a Non-Profit organization??? They need to be audited since they do their accounting in-house. This private family run club needs to answer monthly to the County about expenses & animal statistics. HSWC only pay $1 a YEAR to rent the facilities on Citation Drive. That 32-year-old contract requires Wicomico County to pay 3/5ths of operating expenses & NO ACCOUNTABILITY on taxpayer money. No ACCOUNTABILITY for pet care --- life or death. They got over $60,000 from the City of Salisbury, $20,000 from the Town of Delmar, & money from Dorchester County. We need an OUTPOURING of compassionate people to CUT ALL FUNDS til they answer to the County Government & Citizens. Easy SOLUTION for the animal's sake...no new contract---no money. To get this changed write & call Mr. Pollitt's & Mr. Strausburg's office (410) 548-4801, ALL the County Council members & Mr. Baker, County Attorney (410) 548-3792.


  1. How can it be that a non for profit can be allowed to do in house accounting? WRONG! Sounds as though someone needs to step in who funds them and require better accountability.

  2. From several recent encounters I've had with the Humane Society, they have been very caring and compassionate. Their fees are extremely reasonable for adoption & fees for other services (spay/neuter & micro chipping) are far less than most vets in the county by hundreds of dollars. And, NO, I do not work or volunteer there. These are just my observations.

  3. I know some little league organizations that need to be audited. They should first start with East Wicomico Little League.

  4. As I think was commented before whoever assets are not profit--assets are equipment, building, on fixed on-hand supplies, etc sounds like whoever is writing this stuff should become a little more educated between profit and assets-any non-profit such as Lions Club, churches, etc. have to show a profit at times to build up funds for emergencies and capital projects such as their eyeglass trailers, steeples, etc.
    most businesses and non-profits do their own bookkeeping then turn it over to an accountant for taxes and review...

  5. We just adopted a pet from there. Their fees were reasonable and they seemed like they cared about the animals. I also agree they need to have financial oversight like any non-profit.

  6. No place shoud be run like this, but then again----it's not Mr Pollitts money is it?

    People need to know what's being done there for the animals & where the heck their money is going. This is disgusting Mr. Pollitt----Is this how our County is run in all Departments----Don't bother to answer----you haven't answered the people that have ask you about fixing this problem! prior to this !!

    So , now we're waiting to hear from Mr Pollitt since he is in charge. Hopefully, he'll get this organized & a New Board of unbiased people!


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