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Friday, April 12, 2013

A Letter To The Editor: Nonsense About Gun Control


I was wondering if you could post this following the Sandyhook shooting. I was watching debate after debate about gun control and the nonsense like if the shooter had 10 round mags it would have saved lives. Now answer me this. How can it save lives if there is no armed intervention to bring the shooter down? Also it only takes 3 to 5 seconds max to switch mags and reload. the liberal media will have you believe a teacher with a taser could have brought this to an end I don't know about you but I'm not facing a man with a gun with a taser that's on a suicide mission. Then when it comes to talks of resource armed officers in the schools the first rebuttal is MONEY! not safety. Last but not least when your alone at night no matter who you are and someone smashes your door in liberal or not you will wish you had a gun and remember the ones saying NO to you having a gun has people surrounding them with guns. People its time to rise up vote these dictators out its all about control not about you or your children's safety.


  1. So true. Only you can protect yourself and your families. And a gun is the best tool for that job.

  2. 100% truth! What if the next mass shooting only takeS out 23 people? What are we going to say, then? "YESSSS!, That gun bill worked PERFECTLY!"?????????

  3. Taser is better than a #2 Ticonderoga...

  4. Agreed. Also it really sickens me to see how easily the Sandyhook parents are letting themselves be used by Obama. Obama could give a crap about these people or their dead children. Parading them around on his private jet for photo ops shows the kind of man (not) that we have as the leader of our country. Shameful.

  5. I totally agree with MSL and wish to add this.I am PRO-GUN CONTROL, when it is directed to the arrest and conviction of those using a firearm in the commission of a crime.Further I do believe something should be done to keep weapons from the hands of the mentally ill or disadvantaged.As to gun registration in my way of thinking thats already in effect and HAS BEEN for years.Federal Form 4473 the white form everyone fills out when they purchase a firearm from a dealer.These forms have more information about you and the weapon then the IRS.But they are held by the dealer and available to the ATF at any time,they are forwarded to the ATF when that dealer closes their doors or lets his license expire.Being retired Law Enforcement I have been,by one or two,villified because the new gun control law doesn't extend to Police Officers or Retired Police Officers.Folks this came as much a surprise to us as anyone else, but let me say this to you, I have talked to numerouse retirees and active police officers who despite our advantage will continue to fight with you to protect our 2nd Amendment Rights.I personally have written more than 20 letters to both Federal and State Legislatures voicing my opposition.I have a list of those that supported the Gun Control Bill and assure you at the next election they will be minus one vote,I suggest that opponents to the Gun Control Law push to have this placed on referendom and hopefully be voted on for repeal.

  6. Everyone knows this is Government Gun Grabbing Control. The question is - What We the People Going To Do About It.

  7. Obama Motors said...
    Everyone knows this is Government Gun Grabbing Control. The question is - What We the People Going To Do About It.

    April 13, 2013 at 1:26 PM

    Whatever they are told.


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