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Wednesday, April 10, 2013

A Letter To The Editor 4-9-13


I live at Mill Pond Village Apartments on Naylor Mill Rd. All residents received a notice that power regulating thermostats would start being installed in all the apartments this month and that this is MANDATORY. I am curious as to how they can do this when I pay my own electric bill. Are they getting a kick back from the power company? If so, that should be passed on to the residents. When I owned a house, the power company gave this as an option and offered rewards for doing this. What kind of reward can the residents of Mill Pond expect for this MANDATORY regulator? Is this going on in all apartment complexes in Salisbury? We are losing more and more freedoms. First our gun rights, now our right to use electricity as we see fit that WE PAY FOR. What next?


  1. This happened to me when I lived in runaway bay, the power company ran the program, and I got a hefty credit eventually, the savings are probably passed on to you. Did you talk to your property manager or call the power company?

  2. Not yet. The sooner passed on the better. While I do try to save electricity, I don't like being forced into something. It does make me feel somewhat better that I would get some type of credit. We will see.

  3. You have the right to move , if this was not presented in your lease , move out and find another place that suits you.

  4. Duh...you don't OWN the apartment. The owners have every right to control their residence. Buy a house and then you can complain.

  5. Hey is this fat boy Jt sweating in his crib.

  6. You rent the property, you don't own it. The owner can add whatever equipment he wants to the property.

  7. The thermostat belongs to the owner not you. Cannot take it with you can you? You pay rent, they furnish the thermostat and can do anything they want with it.

  8. A friend of mine used to live there years ago and said they would inspect the apts. unannounced. It wasn't a problem until they told her she couldn't leave her panties on the living room floor. WTF!

  9. I'd never make it if I couldn't keep my bedroom air conditioning on 61 to 63f. It's the only way I can breathe at night!

  10. A friend of mine used to live there years ago and said they would inspect the apts. unannounced.

    That is illegal. They have to give notice.

  11. Nothing but NEG comments about that place. The people that work there STEAL and thats a FACT!!!!

  12. You can set the thermostats for whatever temperature you want but in the summer when the electric usage gets too high on hot days, they can turn off your ac for a few hours. Usually from 1-5. Happens a couple times a summer. They give you a credit on your bill. This helps to avoid the power going out all over town for many hours due to high electrical usage with the HVAC units.

  13. I have one of these in my house and I don't notice any difference. But for some reason my power bill for the month March was double what it been per month for the 2 years I've lived there. When I called them they gave some bogus excuse about a "small" rate increase and costs they've incurred trimming trees around power lines? Really?? "small rate increase"...I think not. None of my electric usage changed in the month of March vs the last 2 years but my kilowats were double as was my bill?? I don't understand this?

  14. i know a few people that had power bills double their normal bill last month. something must be going wrong at delmarva power billing

  15. Did you get your tenant's bill of rights as an addendum to you lease when you signed. It's the law that they give it to you. It will explain your recourse in situations like this. If you didn't get it make a report to Salisbury city nscc department and get a copy.

  16. Control of the electric grid is a federal priority. Eventually, we will all be forced to use smart meters that send all kinds of interesting information back to the feds.

  17. Just call Delmarva Power. They will fix your shorts. After all they drive Voltswagons.

  18. Just call Delmarva Power. They will fix your shorts. After all they drive Voltswagons.

    April 10, 2013 at 3:58 PM

    will they fix the longs too?


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