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Thursday, April 04, 2013

A Letter To The Editor 4-4-13

DOG & CAT LOVERS of Wicomico County, Maryland how long are you going to let this go on. The Wicomico County Humane Society & Animal Control let two (2) more dogs die by starvation. 

Two dead dogs were removed this Easter weekend from BENITA AVE. off of Old Ocean City Rd. They had been abandoned by their owners. Calls were made repeatedly & the "INHUMANE" SOCIETY & Animal Control had gone out there & continued to leave the dogs there. There is NO EXCUSE for this, 123 Shamrock, or 3790 Scott Lane were not COMPLIANT. That is what they report back to the callers or that they had to leave a 24-hr notice. 

This is CRUELTY...save the animals. ALL citizens that care, join me in calling for the yearly Humane Society meeting so we can voice our concerns & demand changes.


  1. Things like this is exactly why Joe you MUST keep SBY NEWS up and running.
    If this story is true about these dogs starving to death after repeated calls to officials then immediate action needs to be taken.

  2. Can someone please list who owns these properties so we can shame them and smear their names from now until doomsday?
    I do not care if these were rentals because if they are the landlords have a responsibility to check up on their properties on a regular basis and had they been doing so these animals would have been removed promptly.

  3. wahhh. you know the good thing about america? you can go start your own humane society or animals lovers of america or whatever...but i guess that would mean you would have to put up or shut up huh? yeah, that aint happening is it?

  4. We already have our "own" humane society 10:54. It's funded with tax payers money so it belongs to all of us.
    You know the other good thing about America, 10:54? It's that some of us who have high expectations and want to see a job (which we pay for) done efficently and effectively have the right to speak out when we see a problem.

  5. If you look under "MD taxations and assessment" website you can put the address and county in and find out exactly who these owners are!!

  6. Two animal control officers hired and neither one could have tried to save the dogs? So sickening and it's not going to get better. The county does pay for animal control. There is money to do a better job. There is just no desire to do it. When an organization is unwilling to hold one open meeting a year as required by its own bylaws, that's a clue. No meeting last year and none advertised for this year.

  7. I would love to help this person, if I knew if this person is. Please post your name and phone number to reach you. Maybe by doing that, you can form a committee. You will probably get a lot of support from the community. I will be more than happy to stand up for the animals.

  8. 10:54

    2 animals died & all you can come up with is "waah"??!! Go crawl back under your rock, a$$wipe


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