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Sunday, April 28, 2013

A Comment Worthy Of A Post 4-26-13

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Where Is Salisbury Going?":

Joe this just in. Jim Ireton the mayor is using Wicomico County Board of Education time to continue to promote his political agenda. He is supposed to be teaching on our tax dollars, but he is using this time to promote his part time mayor's job. He should be fired from the BOE immediately. Please forward this to John Fredericksen and the entire Board of Education. If BOE employees can't access SBYNews.com while on the clock then Jim Ireton shouldn't be able to be working his part time job and sending out emails during his working hours with the BOE. This happened during his entire campaign and he got away with it. It is time to put this to a stop.

From: "Jim Ireton"
To: "Jim Ireton"
Sent: Friday, April 26, 2013 9:56:29 AM
Subject: Come spend Saturday at the Festival with Jim!

Hey all - Don't know when I will see you this weekend. Wanted to let you know where I will be.

9:00 - 10:30 - Medals Day Ceremony for Salisbury Fire Department - City Hall Steps
10;30 - 1:00 - www.downtownsalisbury.org table in front of Health Department
1:00 - 1:30 - PAC 14 Interview in front of Chamber of Commerce
2:00 - 3:00 - Arbor Day Tree Planting at City Marina
3:00 - 4:00 - www.downtownsalisbury.org table in front of Health Department

I hope to see you out this weekend!


- Jim


  1. How can Dr. Freddy continue to allow this to happen. If this part time school teacher and part time mayor is constantly focusing on building his name in the political arena how can he be an affective teacher. His part time hours at Glen Avenue school are morning hours and I know for a fact there are numerous kids struggling in school. His school time or break time should be concentrated on helping these kids excel. Obviously his teaching career is not a priority for him.

  2. anonymous 10:23, Jim's priority IS his BOE job. Think hard about it. I tried to express this to people during my campaign. Jim has almost 20 years in as a Teacher. His retirement and pay with the BOE is VITAL to his future.

    As a Mayor he only makes $25,000.00 a year. You have to seriously ask yourself, why would he and Fredericksen invest so heavily into his Mayoral position? Why would he risk losing his job with the BOE? There HAS to be something special in it for them. CONNECT THE DOTS PEOPLE. You allegedly failed to do so with your votes. While your connecting those dots, don't forget to include Pollitt in your thinking.

  3. Joe:

    Your would be correct if Ireton were a normal person, but he clearly is not. He sees himself as another O'Malley-Obama and that's his "priority."

    And we have no idea how much "assistance" he gets from the liberal lunatic asylum, which includes George Soros and others with tons on money.

  4. Despise the sob!

  5. Joe you really need to think about running for County Executive. I live in the County and totally would vote for you. I also know several of my friends and neighbors would also.

    Please think about it Please.

  6. anonymous 10:44, I can't run for County Executive. Pollitt and the County Council were wise and made sure you had to live in the County for 5 years.

    That being said, I refuse to live in Wicomico County for that period of time.

    When WMDT & WBOC were doing exit polling on election day saying throughout the day Albero is up 2 to 1 over Ireton and the final numbers came out, no thanks. I'll not run for Office again. Heck, even the Daily Times didn't believe the numbers when all was said and done.

    Then I watched Monday night's meeting and I thought, what the hell was I thinking anyway. I'd rather sit on the outside and help wherever I can than to ever sit in the Mayor's or County Executive's seat and have to deal with a Council.

    I have a home in Delmar, DE. where life is fantastic. As I've always stated, 7.5 acres of land, a large new home with a huge barn and my taxes are $1,200.00 a year. I'll add, they haven't raised taxes in Sussex County in 64 YEARS.

    It's time to start selling what we have in Wicomico County and be done with it. Like I said from the neginning, "this is not Joe Albero's election to lose, it's the citizens' election to lose". Good luck finding someone else who would have done what I would have done, especially for $25,000.00 a year.

  7. The election was rigged. I believe they flipped the names. I have not run into a single person who said they voted for Jim. Your right, wboc said you were up 2 to 1. If you flip the names and look at the final results it would make sense. I don't blame you for walking away Joe.

  8. Well Joe I guess there is only one thing to say -- Good Bye.

    Enjoy your fantastic life in Delmar and keep us informed form there on what is going on.

  9. If everyone filed a complaint mailed a copy of Mr. Ireton's dereliction of duties while employed to the Board of Education we may see some results.

    Dr. Mike Collins

    Vice Principal
    Mr. Larry Collins


    Assistant Superintendent

    Assistant Superintendent

    Board or Education Member

  10. Not one person has filed a complaint with his supervisors yet.

  11. Ireton is a slug....he isn't a man, and he acts like a whinny woman....he plainly doesn't fit in with normal society. Dr. Freddy is nothing but a kiss a-s and nothing more.

  12. 3:52
    OH NO you don't. Ireton has the wrong plumbing to be a woman. Don't insult women with your comment. He's all yours!

  13. he is a waste of good oxygen...would never want him

  14. Anonymous said...
    Not one person has filed a complaint with his supervisors yet.
    April 26, 2013 at 3:27 PM

    What does that tell you? Same old, same old - nobody gives a damn. No skin off the renters and property owners have no say if they live outside the city. A few come on here and complain/blame Ireton. You few have been doing that since Ireton was elected 4 years ago. Where has it gotten you. Words are meaningless and bring no change. Try a different tactic.

  15. I just asked around and found out that no one still has filed a complaint to 3rd Grade Teacher Jim Ireton's supervisors about him working his part time city job while on the County BOE clock. What the heck is wrong with you people. Do something and get him fired. I do not want my children anywhere near him.

  16. 10:54. File your own complaint, idiot.

  17. Whereas I don't disagree that it would be wrong of Ireton to do this on the BOE's time, how do you honestly know that he didn't take a half a day to plan things out for the city? Or discretionary time? Or even set the email to be sent at this time? And exactly how could you "ask around" and find out those answers when this information would be private between an employer and an employee? I think you're out for blood...

  18. There are a lot of people that read this blog and a lot of people who dislike Ireton and his policies. Anyone who has a brain about taxes should realize the BOE is doing the students a disservice by allowing this man to "teach" part time and spend much of his time promoting his election and agenda. All you have to do is copy these emails and send one email to each of these people with authority. If you don't he continues to get away with it. An investigation needs to be done and due process is needed.

  19. Salisbury doesn't deserve you, Joe. It doesn't deserve Debbie Campbell, Terry Cohen or Tim Spies. The Perdue/SAPOA/SU cabal will oust Terry and Tim next election. You should abandon this blog and let the people in District 2 OWN what they voted for and remain blissfully ignorant of reality--thats what they want. Debbie should remove herself from the city and retire in peace to the south. The citizenry of District 2 in Salisbury don't deserve your time and effort--let them rely on WBOC,WMDT and The Daily TImes.

  20. Anonymous said...
    10:54. File your own complaint, idiot.

    April 28, 2013 at 8:50 AM

    Why are you calling someone an idiot? Is that you Chuck Cook?


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