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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

99.5% Of Illegal Immigrants Get Approval For Legal Status; High Number Raises Concerns About Fraud

The administration has approved 99.5 percent of applications of those who have applied for legal status under President Obama’s nondeportation policy for young adults, granting legal status to more than 250,000 formerly illegal immigrants.

Officials said they expect the approval rate to drop as more cases make their way through the system, as it takes longer to deny an application than to approve it. Indeed, the approval rate already has dropped from 99.8 percent just a month ago.

But the high rate leaves others wondering whether the administration is doing all it can to weed out fraud or potentially dangerous illegal immigrants in DACA, or the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, as it’s formally known. 



  1. here comes a bunch of new welfare recipients.

  2. What do you expect. The President himself is a fraud.


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