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Thursday, April 11, 2013

6:00 TONIGHT CIVIC Center Stop Funding Inhumane Society

A Viewer Writes:

WICOMICO COUNTY ANIMAL LOVERS. Come to Civic Center tonight at 6:00 to Open Budget Meeting & request funds be WITHHELD from Humane Society of WC until Animal Control & HS Director are made ACCOUNTABLE to County Council.

Contract between WC & Inhumane Society was written 40 years ago with WC responsible for 3/5th of operating budget. With over $770,000 worth of assets according to 2011 tax returns looks like they are not a NonProfit. That group needs to be accountable to County Council & public with monthly reports & inspections.


  1. have you thought about what the assets may be: building, equipment, supplies, etc. are all assets..assets does not mean money t doesn't mean money go look at some of the fire company and other non-profit assets that are in the multiple millions of dollars in assets as that was mentioned they get funds as well as other agencies that have a lot of assets

  2. I would like to see a copy of the return. As I recall, the city asked for the audited financials and never did get them. City taxpayers pay part of the funding as well. I think that it may be time to contract this service for greater efficiency and a better result for both the animals and the public.

  3. 11:08

    Have you ever volunteered for anything in your life, or you just one of the takers in society?

  4. how does not funding the HS help animals ?????

  5. The best thing to do about this is volunteer, and make sure you always have camera/video phone and record everything you see that is vile, disgusting and odd with using tax money. Uppers, volunteer to be a mole.

  6. Something has been needed done for a long, long time!!! Records should be for Public Display as to what's being done with tax payers money & other monies going to them also!!! It's a rediculious situation t with absolutely No checks & balances what so ever! I can't believe how things are run there! Othere Counties aren't run this way.

    I would urge all who go tonight to let you Cty Ex. Know that change is needed---accountability demanded with what goes on there. This is absolutely rediculious!



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