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Saturday, March 16, 2013

Wicomico Continues Work On Tier Map

SALISBURY – The Wicomico County Council is taking steps to submit a tier map to the state following several weeks of public outreach and a public hearing regarding the ongoing “septic bill”.

The Sustainable Growth and Agricultural Preservation Act of 2012, also referred to as the “septic bill,” requires counties to make a number of changes to their subdivision codes, including the adoption of a four tier system for categorizing the development of land in the county and the determination of the type of sewer system that will serve the subdivisions in the tiers.

Tiers II and III would allow major subdivisions to be built on septic systems in either a limited capacity or after a public hearing and approval of the Planning Commission, respectively. Tiers I and IV would not allow any major subdivisions to be built on septic systems.



  1. kill the septic bill now...

  2. its already passed. the whole idea is to get houses built and only built in cities, so that more people pay taxes

    why do you think no-one is looking to own a house in salisbury, we go and live in the county. WHY PAY double the tax for NOTHING


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