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Tuesday, March 05, 2013

White House Tours Canceled Due to Butdge Cuts

White House tours canceled effective March 9th due to budget cuts
  Source NBC NEWS


  1. Boy, that's really going to hurt!

  2. That will save a lot.

  3. really? I think this is a stunt. It is so hard to get into the White House anymore- you have to submit all sorts of background info- just try to get a school group in there anymore- it's nearly impossible, anyway.

  4. Wow, that will save $219 bucks! They don't want people seeing how F'ed up they are lol

  5. $250,000,000 to Egypt, but $0 for the American people.

  6. really???? the "liar in chief" just continues to lie. i'm sure it's because michelle said she was going to "cut loose" during b.o.'s second term and of course b.o. said he wanted to take more vacations. lights are on, but nobody's home. lol

  7. B.S. This is part of the Presidents
    " I'll make you suffer" propaganda just like the rest of the lies he told.

  8. How about a cut back on Michelle Os loud mouth tours.

  9. Who gives a rats ass.

  10. Maybe they should cut down on the amount of vacations they take. How far would that 9k she spent on the dress the other night have gone. How about STOP giving away American money to other countries. Makes no sense...we pay taxes....we have to do without or are cut back.......and they are giving our money way to others.

  11. Ditto441..they want us to feel the pain not the elites..can you say taxation without representation?...what we already cover in the taxes already should cover this stuff not ilegals wefare and giveaways to other nations..those things should be the first on the chopping stop services block

  12. What a joke. Big savings there, LOL.

  13. Cut down on Michelle Obama's hamburger eating...

  14. White House Tours are conducted by VOLUNTEERS.
    Security is in place no matter what, the secret service is not affected by this sequester(which amounts to only half the budget increase expected)as there are no real spending cuts. There is absolutely no reason this should happen.
    It is just another petty elementary schoolyard knee jerk reaction by Obama the great demagogue playing the propaganda routine the leg tingling MSM so loves.


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