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Tuesday, March 05, 2013

When Gun Confiscation Starts. How Will a Rebellion Play Out Nationwide?

It is hard to say what will happen. County Sheriffs and police chiefs vowed to stand down and not give material support or help to the federal agencies involved trying to disarm the American people. Many in the US Military will stand down like the East German Military shortly before the Berlin Wall came down. Soon after communism collapsed in Russia and eastern Europe.

It is hard to say if it will bloodless or a blood bath in the streets if the US government tries to come after the guns. It is my hope the US Government collapse flinching when the US Military and Federal Agents hesitate when ordered to disarm to the American people, most of all disarm the veterans.

Blogger Bob Owens written” What Will You Seen in the Rebellion” a likely scenario how a revolt against the US government will possibly unfold. Here is the beginning of the blog and you can read the rest.

Let me explain, gun grabbers, how your confiscatory fantasy plays out. Let us imagine for a moment that a sweeping gun control bill similar to the one currently suggested is passed by the House and Senate, and signed into law by a contemptuous President.

The Rest…HERE


  1. I hope this starts a revolution.
    Every day since obama was elected
    he has screwed with us in one way or another.
    If we want our country back , it is the only way , get it on.

  2. This pretty much sums it up...

  3. The longer we wait, the harder it will be to dethrone the Communists in our Government.

  4. I do hope the lot of you are charged with sedition. here's a thought - trying winning an election once or twice...


  5. I do hope the lot of you are charged with sedition. here's a thought - trying winning an election once or twice...


    March 6, 2013 at 8:27 AM

    Mob rule does not mean it's right.

  6. 8:27 That is exactly what Obama should be charged with.

  7. I agree with 8:00-the sooner the better.Bring it on and get it over with.

  8. Obviously the Obozo led DHS is getting ready with 1.6 billion bullets and 2700 light armored urban terrain vehicles. Going to be a lot of dead bodies.

  9. Going to be a lot of dead bodies.

    March 6, 2013 at 10:04 AM

    They got that covered too. Remember the fema coffins?


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