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Friday, March 08, 2013


Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez's funeral on Friday attracted foreign leaders, athletes, liberal celebrities, reports CBS News:

In the funeral hall, more than 30 political leaders including Cuba's Raul Castro and Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad stood at attention before Chavez's flag-draped coffin. Many of them were welcomed by Nicolas Maduro, the vice president who will later be sworn in as interim president. The glass-topped coffin, which has been open since Wednesday, was shut for the funeral.
Congressman Gregory Meeks (D-NY) and former Congressman William Delahunt (D-MA) attended the Venezuelan autocrat's funeral. Hollywood actor Sean Penn and Reverend Jesse Jackson were also at the funeral. "We pray God today that you will heal the breach between the U.S. and Venezuela," Jackson said.


  1. Well, at least we sent Sean Penn. That was a good move...

  2. They should be arrested and charged with treason.

  3. How is it treason? Just 'cuz you don't like that they went? We're still allowed freedom of association aren't we?

  4. In real countries that follow the law these criminal would have been arrested, charged with treason and hung or beheaded. Some of these countries are much smarter than we are.

  5. Anonymous said...
    How is it treason? Just 'cuz you don't like that they went? We're still allowed freedom of association aren't we?

    March 9, 2013 at 7:26 AM

    A soft hearted liberal who voted for Obama and thinks it's ok to trample the Constitution. Make sure you tattoo that D on your forehead when the civil unrest begins in this country. I bet you will be hiding under a desk.

  6. Reverend Jackson, I pray to God today that you stay in Venezuela. And that you wipe that s--t eating smirk off your face.

  7. 720-Freedom of association? Guess you haven't read the leaked memos on drone strikes. Those kind of associations could lead to a hellfire missile landing in ones living room.

  8. 7:32 from someone who has no clue about the constitution

  9. It's treason because people like Chavez have publicly stated a desire of bad things happening to our country and our people....

  10. Jane Fonda should be in prison to this day for treason.
    Obviously they should be scrutinized heavily. Birds of a feather and all.

  11. Anonymous said...
    7:32 from someone who has no clue about the constitution

    March 9, 2013 at 8:24 AM

    That would be you and Obama and the 47% that voted for him.

  12. "A soft hearted liberal who voted for Obama and thinks it's ok to trample the Constitution. Make sure you tattoo that D on your forehead when the civil unrest begins in this country. I bet you will be hiding under a desk. "

    ooooh scary internet tough guy. Not D but Libertarian.

    I have this strange desire to ensure my freedoms are protected from such as you. That means ensuring the freedoms of those I disagree with.

  13. Wow, I was unaware that I, as an American citizen, am not free to get a passport and travel to the country of my choice, go to an event that I wish to go, say what I wish to say, and then travel back home. How is that illegal now?


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