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Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Undocumented Immigrants May Soon Get Md. Driver’s Licenses

Andrea Gonzales is the only licensed driver in her family of three, so for her, a weekday morning means waking up at 5:30 to shuttle her husband to work with their 5-year-old daughter in tow.

The new Maryland Highway Safety Act may change her family’s routine by allowing undocumented immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses.

Gonzales’s husband, Jaime, an undocumented immigrant from Nicaragua, can’t legally drive to pick up their daughter, Ana, from school at 3 p.m. Instead, the couple hired a babysitter to transport and care for Ana on most afternoons.



  1. Then in a way they become documented. Another plus is MD is tough on required documents to get a license so at least we have proof of who they are for crimes and traffic offenses.

  2. Great you take my guns, raise my taxes and now what was always suppose to be a privilege now gets given to illegals.

  3. How do you Praise Illegal activity?

  4. Stop drinking the FOOLaid. They are ILLEGAL, not undocumented. Jail or deportation. Period.

  5. well, isn't that just special. great minds and common sense prevails in the socialist republic of maryland once again.

  6. if they were legal they would have licenses and be able to have a normal life . but when you come here illegally that's what you get an abnormal life. just like criminals have to look over the shoulders. don't complain when you come here illegally living a good life that you have to wake up at 530 in the morning 2 shuttle up Teen Mexicans.

  7. My sister's boyfriend came from a poor family and could not afford Driver's Education. She now has to shuttle him to work and their son to school. Who is going to help him get a license so that she is running ragged. They're all LEGAL and hard working.

  8. I hope I am not the only person that sees the word ILLEGAL immigrant in all of this but yet the state wants to GIVE them something with out arresting them for being here illegally....what a joke this state is.
    Plus I agree with 3:51.


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