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Saturday, March 16, 2013

UN Takes Up Arms Trade Treaty Opposed By NRA

The United Nations on Monday will once again take up an arms trade treaty that has drawn the NRA's ire amid assurances that the Obama administration is “steadfast in its commitment” to getting it done.
The White House helped pull the plug on treaty talks ahead of last year's election amid heavy lobbying by the U.S. gun lobby. Now the world body is taking another shot at reaching consensus on a treaty, and this time the Obama administration says it's committed to getting it done.

“The United States is steadfast in its commitment to achieve a strong and effective Arms Trade Treaty that helps address the adverse effects of the international arms trade on global peace and stability,” Secretary of State John Kerry said in a statement Friday.



  1. Also known as the NWO treaty. The only thing they can't take is my belive in God.

  2. How many will spout on about how terrible this is without even reading any of the content of this treaty for themselves? hmmmm

  3. Well, 757, after a Yahoo search, it turns out that there is no where the still being created treaty is in print. Oh, there are plenty of opinion articles, but I don't want to read yours or anyone else's opinions.I want to read the actual .pdf document.

    Please direct us lowly folk to your source so we can read it ourselves.


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