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Tuesday, March 05, 2013

U.N. Investigator Urges U.S. To Pursue Bush-era Abuses

(Reuters) - A United Nations investigator called on the United States on Monday to publish its findings on the CIA's Bush-era program of rendition and secret detention of terrorism suspects.

Ben Emmerson, U.N. special rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights while countering terrorism, voiced concern that while President Barack Obama's administration has rejected Central Intelligence Agency practices conducted under his predecessor George W. Bush, there have been no prosecutions.

"Despite this clear repudiation of the unlawful actions carried out by the Bush-era CIA, many of the facts remain classified, and no public official has so far been brought to justice in the United States," Emmerson said in a report to the U.N. Human Rights Council, which he will address on Tuesday.



  1. Why not investigate Obama for Fast and Furious where a man died?


  2. 3-5-13

    Simple fix here. Deny Emmerson entry into the U.Sts. at ANY TIME and then let the U.N.which OWES a barrel of money to the USA watch his speech on the internet.
    Of course there are the O.B. diciples who would say 'YOU CAN'T DO THAT'... Off color...Might make some A*$&^hole mad...etc.
    Wise up people. Regard this Country above all and purge the spineless liberals.

    Bob Aswell

  3. Only reason, THE ONLY reason they are digging this up is for media to take attention away from the Village Idiot Obamation....

    So transparent

  4. De fund UN instead of whitehouse tours now!! Repeat after me!!!


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