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Friday, March 22, 2013

Transportation Tax Bill Also Boosts Car Registration Fees

The House of Delegates takes its’ final vote Friday on the bill that will boost gas taxes to pay for roads, bridges and mass transit.

A WBAL News review of the 26 page bill also finds that the bill will also increase vehicle registration fees.

You have to go to page 20 of this 26 page bill to find out that vehicle registration fees are being increased by $3.50.



  1. So all you registered Democrats think Mathias, Cane, and Conway are here to help you? 27 new or increased taxes in 4 years from Democrats. I would be ashamed to be a Democrat and if I were, I'd never admit it!

  2. got my drivers lic. renewed this morning , $48.00 , wow.

  3. Be proud, outside of Washington, our legislators are the biggest bunch of thiefs out there!

  4. House on market leaving soon keep your libtarded welfare state..work n soon to live in accomac va


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