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Friday, March 22, 2013

The Fraudulent Marketplace Fairness Act

The Internet is currently our best example of the free market at work. Since the government has not been able to capture the Internet under its thumb, the Net illustrates how well the market really functions when the government stays out of the way.

But have no fear. Control freak politicians never rest, and a few of the more dedicated ones are working relentlessly to slap chains on the world’s most unfettered market. Of course, no exercise in the destruction of free markets would be complete without a rhetorical flourish of socialism’s ostensible raison d’etre: fairness. Yes, something must be done to stop the free flow of information and commerce that is the Internet because it’s not FAIR.

The Marketplace Fairness Act is being pushed by three US senators, Dick Durbin, an Illinois Democrat, Mike Enzi, a Wyoming Republican, and Lamar Alexander, a Tennessee Republican. What is the injustice that the Marketplace Fairness Act addresses? Under current US law, states are prohibited from forcing Internet retailers who have no physical presence within their borders to collect sales tax on Internet transactions. This policy gives Internet retailers an advantage over traditional brick-and-mortar retailers who must tack, in some cases, up to 10% onto transactions due to sales tax.



  1. If they would stop taxing, adding fees, mandates on health care, adding to minimum wages, etc etc etc... maybe the brick and mortar stores would stand a fighting chance. Simple math. As it stands, I do all of my shopping online, minus a few food items that I have to go in for. Other than that, I'll keep the $300+ that I save per month by buying online. I even teach others to do it, isn't it great?

  2. Taxes have driven brick and mortar out of the way! Face it! Taxes drive our economy! Into the ground, but drive it does! The Gov has the advantages of taxing everything individually here, there, and everywhere to rake in the finds. They don't know or care how much they need to run the state/ country, just more is all they're sure of.

    We need a flat tax and a budget that's balanced to it in this country.

    Pray for it.

  3. They smell MONEY. They also know they have spent OUR money so recklessly and foolishly that they MUST find more revenue. Rein in their spending? NEVER crosses their mind. They are shameless. And will not stop. Until their heads are separated from their bodies.


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