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Saturday, March 09, 2013

Susan Rice As National Security Adviser? U.N. Ambassador Said To Be Front-Runner.

UNITED NATIONS — Susan E. Rice, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations who lost out in a bruising bid for the job of secretary of state, may have the last laugh.

Rice has emerged as far and away the front-runner to succeed Thomas E. Donilon as President Obama’s national security adviser later this year, according to an administration official familiar with the president’s thinking. The job would place her at the nexus of foreign-policy decision making and allow her to rival the influence of Secretary of State John F. Kerry in shaping the president’s foreign policy.

The appointment would mark a dramatic twist of fortune for Rice, whose prospects to become the country’s top diplomat fizzled last year after a round of television appearances in which she provided what turned out to be a flawed account of the Sept. 11 terrorist attack on the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya. 



  1. She was unacceptable for one cabinet post - for the same reasons she would be unacceptable for ANY cabinet post!

  2. He needs a good liar by his side

  3. We have no National Security unless the generals and admirals go behind Obama's back and do what's needed to protect us. But that's hard to do because he "leads from behind"..where cowards usually are found.

  4. Wow. Looks like Hillary just finished hittin' a fat doobie in the back room. Ask her what Rice just said, she'll say "huh? I don't want any rice, I want some ice cream".... As for Rice herself, not only is she just intellectually average, she should be ashamed beyond description for openly and KNOWINGLY LYING to the American people. It wasn't a "consulate" or an "embassy". It was a CIA interrogation house and and gun/weapons smuggling operation. THAT'S why, after 6 months(!) they claim we "still don't know what happened". What?? We have living eyewitnesses! They are stalling, hoping "we, the people" will soon be distracted by the next "American Idol". The pitiful thing is, they are right.

  5. NO NO NO NO NO NO and NO


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