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Saturday, March 30, 2013


ANNAPOLIS, MD  – Governor Martin O’Malley issued the following statement on new motor fuel standards announced by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA):

“The new motor fuel standards proposed today by the Environmental Protection Agency under President Obama’s leadership will help Maryland reach its goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 25 percent by 2020. Reductions from mobile sources are one of the most important strategies needed to provide clean air to Maryland’s citizens for generations to come. Today's actions will also provide a significant benefit to the Chesapeake Bay as approximately one-third of its nitrogen issues are caused by air pollution.

“By proposing these new robust vehicle and fuel quality standards, President Obama and the EPA have made a strong commitment to protecting the public’s health and our environment. Together with our federal partners, we can create a more sustainable future for our children.”


  1. blah, blah, blah. martin just shut up and go away quietly. my family and i have had more than enough of you and your cohorts. same for conway and the rest of the liberals that are "killing" us with their "tree hugger laws".

  2. Don't blame this one on tree huggers and liberals 10:44. Real true tree huggers and liberals as well as dyed in the wool true right wingers know the EPA for what it really is. A mouthpiece for big corps, who in a way to get around anti trust laws which prevent monopolies came up with the EPA (Nixon) as a way to get rid of competition by overregulation.

  3. How many Goals does Maryland have? I don't think they can afford many more.

  4. Wrong 10:50. Whatever the EPA once was, it is now just another tool used by the communists to crush this country industrially and financially.

  5. Nope 12:21 It is used by big business as a means to eliminate competition and the communists because in reality are controlled by these businesses are the fall guys. Just take a look who is on the "advisory board"-GE executive. These big companies can afford regulation because they can pass it on to consumers in higher prices on goods and services in a way it isn't noticed.
    The little "mom and pop" shops can't and end up having to close down.
    Trust me on this one. I'm as far right as you can get. For the real story listen to the micro effect online broadcasts.

  6. . For the real story listen to the micro effect online broadcasts.

    March 31, 2013 at 8:49 AM

    Doesn't that mean they have very, very little effect?


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