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Saturday, March 30, 2013


ANNAPOLIS, MD – Governor Martin O’Malley issued the following statement on the U.S. Department of Labor's release of preliminary employment data for the month of February:
“Together, we set a goal in Maryland to recover every single job we've lost during the Bush recession by the end of 2014, and today we are closer than ever before to reaching that goal – we have now recovered nearly 95 percent of those jobs.

“Last month, the people of our State created 10,500 jobs, our best February for job creation in more than a decade. Over the last 12 months, we have now created 38,200 new jobs with our private sector leading the way - creating 95 percent of those new jobs. Today, our unemployment rate has been driven down to its lowest level in four years - 6.6 percent - 14 percent below the national rate.

“This preliminary report marks one more positive milestone in our jobs recovery, but there are still too many Marylanders out of work. That's why together, we must make the better choices to invest in a stronger future: more job creation, more opportunity, and a stronger, growing middle class.”


  1. Are we having trouble yet finding people to fill all these jobs O'Malley has created? Didn't think so.

  2. I'd like to know where all these jobs are at because they certainly aren't around here. And how many are private sector that are being paid by government (government contracts)?

  3. don't believe this.

  4. O'Malley is blowing smoke up the publics ...ss. He may be touting a reduction in unemployment - but the unemployment rate was predestined to go down anyway - as people fall out of the system. The only real and accurate way to measure the State's economy is in the Workforce Numbers and that number shows that Maryland's actual workforce is substantially smaller than it was the previous year. So O'Malley is distorting the truth. DON'T BUY INTO IT!!!

  5. All Democrats are liars, from Obama all the way down the line.

  6. all this about jobs from a guy that doesn't work. yeah right on goofy. thanks sjd

  7. If he wants to fill jobs quit raising every tax he sees and become more business friendly.


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