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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Sheriff & Citizen Summit


  1. They need support now more than ever.
    Democrat law makers are proposing legislation that calls for dismissal of Sheriff's that refuse to violate American's 2nd amendment rights.
    The time to stand and fight is near.
    Liberal Progressive's will go down hard. Pansy's.

  2. The Democrats can't dismiss an elected official. Then again, they do a lot of things that are not supposed to be done.

  3. I suggest they stop with the public relations BS and give the "Constitutional training" classes TWICE, or add another four weeks of it. I'm thinking the current class lasts about 5 minutes; long enough for the instructor to say "Constitution?! The Constitution?? Are you kidding me? You're the POLICE! Now lets all go get some donuts!" They all laugh and file out of class.

  4. Imclaim, why don't you get out from behind your safe keyboard, and go? Maybe you'd learn that the vast majority of cops have very similar views to your own (except for the blind hatred of people who have certain jobs). What did you think of Sheriff Lewis' meeting the other night? He is the highest ranking cop in the county and is all about the US Constitution.

  5. Really? Is he the guy that would put me in prison if he caught me (bearing arms) with a .357 in my car? I don't have a criminal record, am a taxpayer and a homeowner, but only he and his boys get the protection of the Constitution? I didn't hear Mr. Constitution explain how "...shall not be infringed" got to the point where citizens have to ASK PERMISSION from the police to exercise our rights. Maybe I was in the bathroom. Or making sure my .357 was full loaded. One that he would surely shoot me for if he saw it in my hands. You know, while he was standing up for the Constitution. And how many baseless searches did Mr. Constitution perform on citizens as he worked his way up the SS ladder? Lastly, I've said it many times. I don't hate the police. Not all of them. Just the ones who think they are public MASTERS. The ones who beat, rob, rape, and murder citizens because they have a "I can do anything I want" badge. I'm sure you know a few because there are THOUSANDS of them. And THOUSANDS of court cases, testimony, and video. And how many of those offending officers got a pass from Mr. Constitution because, and only because, they were cops? Run 90-100 MPH on the bypass and you may get killed by a cop during the search. BE a cop and its okay --- you were late for dinner. Punch a woman in the face while two of your buddies hold her down? I go to jail. A cop? Doing his "duty". Body slam an old lady to the concrete (or a teenager who said something I didn't like) and I'm definitely in trouble. BIG trouble. A cop? Internal affairs says he was "in fear of his life", or the kid was "resisting" (I know the inside scoop on "resisting" and I'll bet you do, too). Facts are apparently REALLY pissing you off, "anonymous".

  6. I don't hate cops either. I hate the ones who don't do what they are supposed to do and I hate the ones who believe they can do whatever they want with no consequences.

    Everyone has seen the type. They are in every agency. And I'm sure most have a plan what they would do to cops if given the chance. I know I would.

    They are no better than anyone else out there. Just one big gang with a uniform and the authority to kill indiscriminately, knowing it will fall under 'policy'.

    Well there's a new policy coming to town fella's. And some of you will find out firsthand.

  7. Eeaasssy boys, in this county an awful lot of us are on the same team. Cops AND Civs.

  8. Don't hate crazy people, just people who randomly use the CAPS LOCK button all of THE time when THEY post.

  9. Mrs/Mr Imclaim, the fact is that almost all cops are for wear/carry by good citizens. This will help stop badguys and make the world a better place. And, the cops already can carry guns, and have full auto rifles, and carry shotguns. They are obviously looking out for everybody, and agree with the constitution.

  10. 922, you didn't answer the question. Why don't you try to get the laws changed? You could run for office to make a change like Joe Albero. Did you go to the meeting with Sheriff Lewis? Did you ask him any questions? Are you going to go to this meeting in DE? If not, then you are nothing but a cowardly whiner that hides behind your keyboard. You are part of the problem, not part of the solution.

  11. What was the question?? As for "most all" cops being in favor of wear/carry, I wonder where they are? 99% of all "requests" (please sir, can I use my rights, please, massa, please) for wear/carry in the State of Maryland are turned down. By the police. And for the record, cops carry guns for THEIR protection, not ours. As for 10:46, I'm not sure that because I don't run for office (not everyone aspires to be a politician), I'm a whining coward. And PLEASE tell me what laws were changed, or what was accomplished at the show and tell held at the "Sheriffs Summit"? THAT'S a question. I don't want to spring any suprises on you, but politicians stopped executing the will of the people years ago. Also for the record, my name is in the phone book. So is my address. And hundreds of people know who I am, including my neighbors. I'm not hiding from ANYONE or anything. You know what I'm sayin', "anonymous"?

  12. Imclan. You still did not answer the questions. Did you go to the meeting with Sheriff Lewis and Dr Harris? Did you ask any questions? Have you done anything except hide behind your keyboard and complain? Are you going to the DE forum?
    I agree that MD carry laws are terrible. I am attempting to get them changed, along with many other people. I am sorry you were turned down for a permit, but don't blame the MSP. Blame the politicians that passed the laws, and the courts that just found the laws were Constitutional.
    If you are not going to do anything, than stop complaining. Try to make a difference in the world if you feel strongly about an issue. If you do nothing, than you are also to blame if Annapolis takes away our rights. I am actively supporting those politicians I believe will support conservative American values. That would require you leaving your house though.
    If cops, Soldiers, and Marines carry guns for only their protection, why do they run towards danger instead of running away? All of the Hero's on 911 made the choice to run into danger, and 60 Cops died because of it. They could have ran the other way, if they were only about "THEIR protection".
    In the Ct school shooting, the cops went there to engage the asshole, and he killed himself. The cops didn't decide to drive the other way. They decided to go into battle, and attempt to engage. If they only carried guns to defend themselves, they would have just waited in the PD, and engaged the suspect if he brought the fight there. Not many cop firefights occur in the PD though.
    And anybody can make up a weird name and still remain anonymous as he/she hides behind their keyboard.

  13. lol. I have a permit. No, I did not go to the "meeting". I leave my house all the time. Armed. I vote every time. I don't run from trouble, either. I DO blame politicians. Did I miss anything yet? It not only the cops and firefighters who intervene in "trouble". And whether or not I go to "meetings" does NOT negate my right to complain or to observe and comment on current events. You think there are only 500 gun owners (the reported attendance) in Wicomico County? And you should start paying more attention. I said my name is in the phone book along with my address and neither one is "made up". And my name is "weird?". Look up "irony" as you anonymously criticize me, cop. And what did you do when you saw another cop commit a felony? So, there are TWO questions YOU didn't answer, either.

  14. Imclaim,
    I have learned that I can't have a rational debate with the irrational. I pray your troubled soul is able to find peace someday.
    Good luck and Happy Easter.

  15. Happy Easter to you and thanks for the medical diagnosis. Cop AND doctor? I was polite enough to answer your questions. You failed to even address mine. Nothing I said was "irrational". By ANY definition of the word. And I couldn't help but notice that you stayed with "anonymous" while you lambasted me for "hiding behind my keyboard". And to debate the issues I address, you'd have to find SOME WAY (perhaps irrationally?) to justify the stranglehold that special interests have on Congress, the thousands of police brutality cases documented with film (including their own police camera's), the stunning and amazing number of cops who, after beating, macing, and murdering citizens, are completely exonerated by, wait for it.....the POLICE THEMSELVES! But wait! There's more! Justify our elected (you know, the ones you and others thought would honor the Constitution?) "leaders" passing trash like the Patriot Act and the NDAA. Then maybe you could tell us all how stopping and searching (at gunpoint) INNOCENT citizens (read the 4th Amendment BEFORE you answer, if you will) to see if --- IF! -- they are committing a crime. While you are at it, explain why the MILITARY is training, in conjunction with American police (yeah, the police again), to suppress civil insurrection. THESE, my friend, are FACTS. NOT the "irrational" postings of anyone, but facts. Answer my questions, please, and I will debate (with FACTS) anything you like. But, go ahead, and rationally answer my questions and refute my arguments. Use facts. And for the record, I'm not angry with you, nor do I resent your unfounded and insulting comments.


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