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Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Senators About To Take Final Death Penalty Repeal Vote

Maryland state senators have given preliminary approval to a bill that would repeal the state's death penalty, rejecting several amendments to maintain capital punishment in cases of heinous crime.

The Senate is expected to vote on the measure Wednesday.

The amendments defeated on the Senate floor Tuesday would have maintained the death penalty for individuals who hire contract killers, for prisoners who commit murder while serving out sentences of death or life without parole, and for criminals who murder teachers or students on the grounds of a school or day-care facility. 



  1. Oh yes, let’s let the criminals that commit heinous crimes not be held fully accountable for it but lets liberalize the killing of innocent babies in the womb. Liberals turn right into wrong and just-plain-wrong into right. This state's government sucks.

  2. Another perfectly good reason to leave Maryland.

  3. Fools all of them


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