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Friday, March 22, 2013

Salisbury Middle School’s Kristin Cashman Named 2013-14 Wicomico Teacher Of The Year

Kristin Cashman, a Salisbury Middle School Reading/English/Langage Arts (RELA) teacher who dedicates herself to breaking down the “apathetic wall” that can stand between students and success was honored as the 2013-14 Wicomico Teacher of the Year March 21 at the annual Wicomico Teacher of the Year Banquet at the Commons at Salisbury University.
“If we are unable to break down the ‘apathetic wall’ surrounding students (from the lowest achieving to the gifted student), we will have a hard time closing the achievement gap, holding teachers appropriately accountable, keeping quality teachers around, and heightening parental involvement and support,” wrote Cashman in her Teacher of the Year writing prompt. 
Sometimes apathy develops because a student isn’t challenged enough. Cashman said she sets the bar for each student individually. “At the beginning of the year, I look at each student and recognize that each is at a different height academically. I imagine the bar exactly one foot higher than each of their heads. I want each of my students to figuratively grow at least one academic foot by the end of the school year. This is a constant reminder that one bar height does not fit all students, but all students can grow that one academic foot when instruction is properly delivered.”


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