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Monday, March 18, 2013

Residents Turn In More Than 600 Weapons

Hundreds of weapons are now out of the hands of Howard County residents and in the custody of police.

Howard County's first Gun Buyback Safety Day in 18 years netted 631 weapons.

The program gave residents the opportunity to anonymously remove unwanted guns from their homes and get $100 dollars back.

Vehicles lined up at the Dorsey Building in Columbia two hours before the event started.



  1. Sometimes really stupid people talk other really stupid people into doing stupid things.
    This rates right up there.

  2. they took a lot of assault weapons off da skreet there

  3. Voluntary today, by force tommorrow.

  4. Residents who turned in weapons obviously had no intention of ever using them for criminal purposes.

  5. These are the same folks that elected and re-elected Obama, and will support O'Malley for president in 2016. This is why stupid people shouldn't be allowed to vote!

  6. What the citizens needed was some competition. I would have given them $150 (or more) for any gun they wanted to sell. Next time they do that, I think I'll run an ad....

  7. WOW! A whole hundred dollars.

  8. complain, complain. These folks voluntarily turned in guns that I doubt they wanted to use. Since such a large portion of guns used in crimes were stolen from the houses of law abiding citizens, what is the problem with getting largely unused guns off the street through voluntary initiatives?

  9. If any of the guns were registered, how do you sell a registered gun anonymously?

  10. 12:10
    There are about 100 million unused guns in this country.
    When the government comes to take them, they will become used.

  11. This is absolutely Ludacris!!! What a bunch of freaking idiots!

  12. well 1244, apparently not for the 631 weapons turned in or the people who participated.

  13. Comrade Hussein ObamaMarch 18, 2013 at 2:24 PM

    And how many of those people turned in gun that wasn't theirs? Hundred bucks for a gun, wow they must be pretty desperate for money. Most of those people would sell their own grandmother for $150.

  14. if you look at what guns where turned in most of them where single shot 22s or single shot shotguns or broken and would not fire, so the reason so many were turned in was they couldnt get $100 if they wanted to sell them outright to anyone, so leave it to the dumb ass county to waste more money. lmao

  15. All this makes me wonder what's going to happen to these guns? Looks, to me, like the cops and 'good ole boys' just got their choice of 631 guns. I'd like to see a follow-up on this as to what actually was done with them.

  16. What the citizens needed was some competition. I would have given them $150 (or more) for any gun they wanted to sell. Next time they do that, I think I'll run an ad....

    March 18, 2013 at 10:49 AM

    This was actually done by a couple of guys, I forget in which state. I agree with you, I'd give them at least a 100 for any gun they have provided it would work.

    I bet if they had an ammo buyback lots of people would be there outbidding the government. lol.

    They say they are going to try to return them to their rightful owners, after they checked and seen if they were used in a crime and if they were stolen.

    The ones not used in a crime will probably go home with one of the cops.

    This is just another form of gun confiscation. When they run out of people who give up their old crap for 100 bucks then they will become more aggressive in 'getting guns off the streets'.

    The wheels and gears that are used to disarm this country have started to turn.

    They won't stop until they either (a) disarm everyone or (b) kill everyone who rises up to fight for their rights.

    Personally, I'm hoping for (c). We kick the governments' ass and put honest people back in government.

  17. I agree with 2:33...looks like a couple old double barrels, a few old pumps and a couple single shots...mostly junk shotguns that are probably rusted up and no good. A relative of mine has a few junk guns like this in his garage that would probably blow up if you put a shell in them and tried to shoot it. I'm sure he would love the government to give him $100 a piece for them. I would like to see a picture of the handguns they bought. And how about that old outboard fuel tank? Whys that in the picture? In all it looks like they paid $63k for about 100 bucks of scrap metal.

  18. that old outboard fuel tank? Whys that in the picture?

    Maybe that's an IED. lol


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