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Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Read My Lips


  1. Eloquent.
    Do not comply with ANY new gun laws.
    Do not submit to the progressive's scare tactics.
    Do not allow them to intimidate or guilt you into complying.
    We are Americans. Equal.
    And keep one thing in mind, I imagine the President and his regime are not the only ones out there with "kill" lists.

  2. how amazing was this guy? Jefferson and the other founding fathers had enough forethought to draft a document unlike anything the world had ever seen. Admist their own moral conflictions and lust for wealth, they let god's will be done and created a document that took all the power from them!! WE DO NOT SERVE GOVERNMENT!!! OUR GOVERNMENT IS PAID FOR BY US, ELECTED BY US, AND SHOULD SERVE US!!! DO NOT COMPLY!!

  3. love this and many more quotes from jefferson and our founding fathers. try to quote them often.

  4. Can you imagine how much better of a country the U.S. would be to live in if our founding fathers ran our government?

  5. That quote pretty much settles the issue of whether or not he was talking about a "state regulated militia" or the individuals right to shoot government storm troopers who want to dictate and rule instead of submitting to the will of the people. It is, without question, the goal of our current crop of Nazi wanna-be's to completely disarm the American public. Sooner or later, they WILL go house to house. It is the ONLY way to ensure we can't resist. Be ready to do what he said we SHOULD do --- kill each and every one them and start over. The Tree of Liberty is wilting, but it ain't dead yet....

  6. What a brilliant man.

  7. He saw the day coming.


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