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Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Westover, Maryland- March 25, 2013- The Somerset County Public Schools Early Learning Advisory Council stresses the importance of how important pre-kindergarten attendance is in the academic lives of the students. This is being emphasized because registration for pre-kindergarten is scheduled from April 2 to and including April 5 for the 2013-2014 school year.

Pre-Kindergarten Every Day!

Children who will be four (4) by September 1, 2013, are eligible to participate in pre-kindergarten (pre-k). Registration for the upcoming school year is taking place April 2nd – April 5th from 9 am – 3 pm at Woodson Elementary, Deal Island Elementary, Ewell Elementary, Greenwood Elementary, and Princess Anne Elementary schools.

During the recent State of the Union address, U.S. President Barack Obama endorsed universal pre-kindergarten. The President said, “Study after study shows that the earlier a child begins learning, the better he or she does down the road.” Other benefits of pre-k include:

Increasing graduation rates – children who attend pre-k have higher high school graduation rates than those who wait to enter school

Reducing the need for grade repetition – children who attend pre-k are less likely to repeat a grade

Improving standardized test scores – children who attend pre-k consistently perform better on standardized tests throughout their education

Lastly, pre-k is fun – children who attend pre-k are learning to interact with other children and adults, forming friendships, and learning new things every day!

Based on what we now know about children’s brain development during these crucial years, pre-kindergarten has become just as necessary as kindergarten or first grade. Experts believe that all children need the benefits of a high-quality pre-kindergarten education in order to succeed. In many states, today’s kindergarten is yesterday’s first grade. With more “academics” being presented in kindergarten, children must learn the pre-academic foundations for formal reading before they enter kindergarten. In pre-kindergarten children become familiar with books, new words and ways to use language, numbers, and problem-solving strategies. They also learn the social skills they need to get the most out of school -- how to pay attention in class and interact with peers.

Please contact Tracie Holland, Somerset County Public Schools if you have any questions about the registration process at (410) 621-6243.


  1. Does anyone actually believe anything that Obama says? Frankly, if he says it, I tend to disbelieve it because he is a serial lair. He will say anything in order to move his agenda and engage in more government spending. He doesn't care about the children, he only cares about himself.

  2. I don't believe this crap. We are starting them younger and younger and the drop out rate and illiteracy rate is higher than ever. Please explain. Many are pusher through school and can't even read and write if they do graduate.

  3. LOL-Gotta love the propaganda-"experts" say this "experts" say that.
    This is the problem with the people involved in the school systems-they are living under a rock. Everyone knows anyone can get any "expert" to say anything they want them to say. These people need to get out from under these rocks and get out and see how the real world works.
    It would be funny except for the fact that these clueless uninformed people are supposedly "educators."

  4. 10:35 It doesn't matter if they can read or write, as long as they can play basketball. That's what Obama is saying.

  5. Government paying for babysitting is all this is about. They probably get free meals also. At best we have part time parents and the government is raising the next generation. Lord help us all! This is Obama's dream.

  6. Advantage gained by children in Head Start and PreK programs is lost by third grade. That is what research shows.


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