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Friday, March 08, 2013

Police Nationwide Say "You're On Your Own"


  1. its not really about guns, its about the ability to shoot someone like govt officials when they come and try to take something they law says they can't...

    LIKE GUNS...

    IF the govt has ar-15's they want you to have .22 cal handguns... If they have .22 cal handguns they want you to have a stick... IF they have a stick they want you to have dirt... if they have dirt they wan't you to have nothing... GET IT?

    Its about them having the bigger "stick than you" so they can repress you...

    Get real, they would use drones on us no matter what guns we have and if we ever started another revolution... no gun can compare to a drone...

  2. They are ALREADY using drones!
    All over the country.
    For surveillance, intelligence and god only knows what else.

  3. I got my family covered , you name it , I got it. Bring it!
    Police , the mighty arm of obamie.

  4. Molon Labe
    ~come and take it~


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