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Monday, March 04, 2013


With next year’s fiscal reserves looking to be un-replenished, the town of Ocean City may be taking measures to generate additional revenue through new and higher fees in order to close its projected budget gap for the 2014 fiscal year, which begins this July.

Among those possibilities are establishing a stormwater utility fund, higher rates on parking meters and charging for trash collection.

In a preliminary overview of revenues for the upcoming financial cycle, City Manager David Recor and Budget Manager Jennie Knapp informed the council this week that the city is looking at a fiscal hole in its FY14 operations of roughly $1.5 million.



  1. Charge every car crossing over into ocean city a toll tax. get your money in a month or two.

  2. How in &^%$ could O.C. have a 1.5 million dollar budget deficit?
    they're answer is to raise taxes and fee's?
    Ocean Cities elected officials are going to destroy the local economy.


  3. How many of those rentacops make over 100K a year?

  4. how many council members STREETS are repaved over the last 2 or 3 years? how many streets have been repaved in total?

  5. How is it that Ocean City is already able to project a deficit in its budget, but mum's the word in Salisbury?

  6. Ocean City isn't what it used to be. At one time it was run by responsible sensible people who knew how to manage money. The worst thing voters did was to not reelect Hall and Hall. Now OC is stuck with a council whose only ideas are to raise and generate more taxes. Any pea brain can do that. How about coming up with some creative ways to cut spending? That won't happen though because the only 2 left that are sharp are Ashley and Pillas and they are outnumbered by all the others who only are good at one thing-spending other people's money.

  7. Anonymous said...
    Charge every car crossing over into ocean city a toll tax. get your money in a month or two.
    March 4, 2013 at 11:01 PM

    11:01-That is the STUPIDEST idea that anyone could possibly conceive. Instead of your STUPID idea, they should CUT the salaries of OVERPAID & UNDERWORKED city employees rather than putting the burden on us tax-paying residents who do not work for the city.

    O.C. generates a TON of revenue EVERY summer and O.C.'s SELFISH, CORRUPT & GREEDY city officials (a.k.a-"The Good 'Ol Boys") are SELFISHLY misappropriating a HUGE amount of funds. Furthermore, they need to start contributing MORE to the Poor & Needy residents who work their butts off most of the day and contribute LESS to the Oligarchic Rich & Greedy "Good Ol' Boys" who sit on their butts most of the day.

    There are many similarities between O.C.'s CORRUPT Oligarchy and the Roman Empire and they are as follows, which eventually caused the Roman Empire to COLLAPSE:

    ***Decline in Morals
    ***Slave Labor
    ***Political Corruption
    ***Unemployment of Working Classes
    ***Political Corruption
    ***Decline in Ethics and Values
    ***Heavy Spending

  8. worcestor has on eof the lowest piggyback tax rates of any county in the state. If you are an oc town employee and you are making less than 100K a year then you are doing something wrong! LMAO oc residents get what they deserve just like salisbury and the peoples republic of maryland!

  9. Its Maryland HELLO! Any city or town in MD is ran into the ground. Democratic state is a for shore deficit!

  10. The problem is that in OC a lot of the voters are not property owners, they are renters. They elected in Dare who as City Manager spent money like it was growing on trees. Now instead of slashing spending the brain trust new "majority" are searching for more revenue via higher and new taxes and fees. When that occurs landlords will raise rents and the renters who so foolishly voted in the tax and spend crowd will have to pay more to live in OC. Bring on those higher taxes and fees-the voters are getting exactly what they voted for.

  11. Bet a buck, when the unions contracts get released, they got a raise, thats the same overpaid renta cops and EMT's that sleep all day, without knowing how the town was going to pay for it. Smart people, elect the same manager that got you into it.

  12. Adding on to 9:25's post - Dennis Dare was CANNED as OC's City Manager for a VERY legitimate reason.

    From what I have gathered, he was the Incompetent ROOT of the misappropriation of the MA$$IVE Amount that OC generate$.

    The Council WISELY cut off the Incompetent ROOT of the problem but since OC is ruled in an Oligarchic manner by the Good Ol' Boys Network, the "Boys" huddled up and schemed a way to sneak his Big Butt back in the "Network" in order to keep the corruption Alive & Kicking!

  13. The "Good Ol' Boys Network" as I know them are all very successful business people and were not in favor of Dare being elected.
    They are smart people. They know the drunken sailor spending could not continue. The so called "Have Nots" and those who know how to do nothing else other than suck off the government teats were the ones behind Dare getting elected.
    It's a nationwide problem. The Have Nots and the Government employee entitlement crowd have outnumbered the responsible voters.
    That's okay though. When their kids can't find jobs, and their houses are virtually worthless and their entitlements gone they can thank themselves for being so damm dumb and selfish for not bending and contributing to getting the country out of the financial mess it is in. I can't wait to rub in it to them and say "I told you so."

  14. 12:02 - good post and perhaps you are right. However, I and others who have children would rather fix this MESS asap instead of seeing our children suffer and telling them "I told you so."

    Just as Salisbury is a Sloppy MESS that needs to be mopped up asap (which is why I support Joe), a similar mess exists in OC that could use some mopping up asap.

  15. I wish everyone thought like you do Andy but unfortunately we are dealing with a bunch of slobbering want mores who only live for the day and quite frankly have no business having children themselves because they are irresponsible. With these types experience is the best teacher.
    Put that together with a majority council who in no sense of the word could be considered leaders and a financial mess is knocking on the door. Within a year it will break down the door.

  16. Where's all that casino money?

  17. The "other possbility" they WON'T mention is tuning up the tourists in numerous police "campaigns" for "safety" (who wants to argue against "safety"?? Not a politician, that's for sure). I GUARANTEE that the police ALREADY have summer "campaigns" lined up. Part of the budget process. Think the police are Nazi's now (but we're SAFE!!!)? Wait til they put the hammer down to close the budget gap. Maybe Nag's Head or Sarasota this year huh?

  18. Thank goodness to Tony Christ for bringing this situation about!!!


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