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Friday, March 08, 2013

Obama Administration Targets Gun Owners With $1 Million Firearm Safety Campaign

The Obama administration is taking to the airwaves with a $1 million gun safety radio and television campaign, the Justice Department announced today.

The campaign will urge gun owners to properly store their firearms to keep them from falling into the wrong hands, as well as encouraging people to report lost or stolen guns to law enforcement.

The ads, produced by the National Crime Prevention Council, will run this summer on more than 1,700 television stations, nearly 15,000 radio stations and more than 500 cable networks.



  1. I guess the drastic sequester does not apply to WH propaganda.

  2. I thought the government was cutting expenses.., "sequestered" as they're saying.
    So, there's enough money for something like this but, not enough for children to visit their White House for the Easter egg hunt.

  3. And who is paying for this? If taxpayers are paying for it then the NRA should file a class action suit.

  4. The first three posts express my sentiments exactly. Will you hear this on the MSM? I don't think so-they will just take the money and run the adds. When are the people going to stand the hell up against this blatant corruption and abuse of power?

  5. How about putting that million toward getting guns out of the hands of criminals? Well, because it won't work.
    So he wastes our cash on this instead, which is pi$$ing in the wind...

  6. Oh. So this is why our children will be kept away from touring the Whitehouse (OUR House)! Doesn't anyone find it revolting that Democratic party officials from Salisbury to Washington support this? PLEASE turn out to vote in order to purge this kind of sickness from our society.

  7. The sequester is also threatening meals on wheels that provide not only meals to the elderly, but also personal contact to make sure they are doing OK.

    But Obama can blow money on his communist agenda. Why else would Adolph Obama want to take our gun rights away?

  8. The sequester dose not threaten anything. But the Democrats will make the children, elderly,and poor feel their wrath. I on the other hand think this is long over due, I love calling them on their bluff. THE SKY IS FALLING.


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