'We as the community, the adults surrounding these kids, we’ve got to get creative,' Obama said during a Google Hangout Monday. 'I would encourage parents that if they also find themselves in a situation where they can’t get outside, then let’s figure out what we can do indoors because it doesn’t take the great outdoors to be moving every day.'
Obama made the remarks in response to a parent who voiced concerns over the recent shooting death of Hadiya Pendleton, a 15-year-old Chicago girl who was killed at a park near her school.
Let's see...these people can exercise indoors OR exercise outdoors and run the rick of getting assaulted, robbed, raped or even murdered.
ReplyDeleteGREAT ADVICE Michelle! Americans never would have realized this "unknown" fact until this article!
they already exercise indoors. it's called XBOX
ReplyDeleteShut up already! So sick of her blathering!
ReplyDeleteShe ain't too bright!! Has anyone ever noticed that she doesn't speak very well either, but she can read from a teleprompter!
ReplyDeleteRun between bullets...LOL
ReplyDeleteShe needs to exercise her right to remain silent.
ReplyDeleteForgive her-she knows not what she does. She is the product of training and programming and just waddles out and does and says what she is told to do. The worst part is this spineless brainless Stepford is raising daughters who will follow in their mother's Slave to Husband (and a husband who thinks it's okay to call females hoes and the c word) lifestyle. Vulgar people they are. Probably a good thing they closed White House tours. No decent people want to breath the same air as such vulgar perverse people as the obamas.
ReplyDelete11:06 Vulgar is the perfect description.
ReplyDeleteMy opinion?
ReplyDeleteThese people should disregard Obama's advice and take heed to the advice of "Run Forest Run" @ 10:50.
They need to get their butts out in these dangerous neighborhoods to dodge bullets and run as fast as they can from criminal-minded thugs. Just think how healthier they would be instead of exercising indoors!!!
You clowns are hilarious. Keep blathering on nonsensically. The rest of us will celebrate the story of a woman who used hard work and determination, lessons learned in her 2 parent home, to go out and get an education then use it to make something of herself. I thought this was a story that you guys championed. Turns out, it's only good when the subject of that story tows the party line.
ReplyDeleteMichelle is like the "Scarecrow" if I only had a brain.
ReplyDelete11::44 - her advice is not only COMMON Sense but also NON-Sense!!!
ReplyDeleteThey can all exercise in the old Solyndra building. Her husband had them in mind when he spent a half billion of our tax money on that failed business.
ReplyDeleteIt's very sad that there are places where kids can't play outside for fear of being shot, kidnaped, run over, etc.
ReplyDeleteOh yeah right she made something of herself 11:44-LOL. Married to a liar who condones women being called hoes and the c word is sure something to be proud of. Yep and he trained he so good to go out and lie for him. She may have been from a 2 parent household but neither of them must have been worth a hoot themselves to have raised such a weak daughter who lies herself pathologically. I hope the mother in law who now is helping to raise the daughters does a better job with them and doesn't allow them to get away with telling lies like she did with her own daughter.
ReplyDeleteIt's all very sensible. Neither she nor he have made anything of themselves and can claim zero successes in life. They cater to the lowlife have nots in the country who now outnumber the rest of the voters and lied their way into the white house and you know it's true otherwise you are dishonest yourself.
11:44...did you READ her college thesis? If she didn't have help, it was pitiful. If she DID have help (writing it), it's pathetic. LOL! YOU call others clowns? She had no business being in a college of that stature and certainly didn't EARN that spot. She doesn't speak or write well, but excels at taking herself and children to all the worlds hot vacation spots on our dime. Oh yeah....if you'll remember, she had her college thesis sealed until AFTER her husbands election, because it was racially inflammatory. "Excercise indoors" is the most intellectual idea she can propose? She is trying her damndest to be relevant in some manner or degree. It ain't working...she CAN'T actually address anything of true import because she can't reason or defend herself against anyone with half a brain and some pointed questions.
ReplyDelete1:36 Like I said,if she only had a brain I think she may be on her way to the "Great Land of OZ' hoping to obtain one.
ReplyDelete11:44 Why would you ever "celebrate" a woman who condones females being called hoes and the c word? That is disgracful and a real woman would have called her husband out on it and not allowed him to accept money from such men. Weak women like her are not to be celebrated. They stand up to a man whether it is their husband or not and especially with her having 2 daughters it is even more repulsive.
ReplyDeleteIf you are a women than it's a shame your own mother didn't teach you to have more self esteem and if you are a man than you are a chauvinist loser.
It's not about a party but about decorum and grace and higher standards. There are plenty of Democratic women who fit into this catagory but MO is not one of them. She is the epitome of gross vulgarity-extremely crude and course for putting up with such a husband who lacks any sense of good breeding.
during obama's first year they thought they would really do it up and decided to vacation in Martha's Vineyard. Members of the affluent African American community up there saw her for what she is and called her "ghetto girl." Google it.
ReplyDeleteOnly a "clown" would see fit to "celebrate" such a person. Those people didn't become affluent because they are stupid and no one including the Obama's are going to fool such intelligent people.
You just have to laugh when you got a bunch of fat old nerds with nothing better to do than to sit behind a computer insulting a woman who does more in a week than you'll likely do in your lifetime.
ReplyDeleteNo 3:06 we have to laugh at you who can't defend Obama so insults us instead. Just face it. She is a pathetic weak shell of a woman who is married to a man who looks down on women and treats them as if they are not good for anything else other than sex and to do his dirty work.
ReplyDeleteLook what he did to that Rice woman. Sent her out to lie for him and she being another well trained specimen did it making a complete idiot out of herself.
MO is nothing but a shadow of her husband. She has done nothing herself other than pop out a few babies. Atleast Romney and the Bush women had careers and/or made names for themselves pre politics in the philanthropic/charity world. MO has done and continues to do not a thing productive.
This article is a perfect example. Lady asks her about crime and all MO can say is stay inside to exercise. Like the lady didn't already know this.
It's like she is so programmed she is beyond thinking for herself even and comes out with that hairbrained answer.
This issue is more about the safety of the streets of Chicago. The streets should not be so bad that kids can't go to the playground without being caught in gunfire. Clean the gangs out, now matter how you must, and get rid of the problem.
ReplyDelete3:06 don't even try. Majority are bitter old rednecks who wish they were back in 1950s. Just read and shake your head...
ReplyDeleteArguing facts is pointless. They even manage to insult someone as Michele Obama.
If Michele wants to do something for the youth, why doesn't she start a safe gym for them? She's good at running her mouth, but extremely poor at doing anything about any issue.
ReplyDeleteShe is a idiot. Most of the dangerous neighborhoods have small housing so how are they suppose to exercise.
ReplyDeleteI don't think you can "insult" moochele Obummer. She is an insult to America