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Monday, March 25, 2013

Meanwhile, 350 Miles Away From The Border


  1. 8 DAYS LEFT MAYOR UNTIL X MAYORMarch 25, 2013 at 3:12 PM


  2. This guy is a jerk. Seems he was just looking for a fight. The woman asked. Does he look American? What does American look like in her eyes? Seems the handicap tag in the window is because his brain is handicapped.

  3. 350 miles inside my border, obviously NOT an illegal alien. Really? You want to harass this guy? WE DON'T DO THIS IN MARYLAND

  4. What state is this in

  5. 6:54 Talk about handicapped!
    If you and your family are clearly white anglo-saxon Americans and your citizenship is being questioned 350 miles from the border by someone that looks to be of Mexican heritage(LOL) it should be second nature to be defensive! Especially considering the border is virtually UNPROTECTED!
    OR, if there IS, I repeat IS a Government "checkpoint" of any kind on roads and highways inside America, you should become defensive and question motive!
    You need to read and comprehend the constitution and start putting 2 and 2 together. (like most liberal progressives)

  6. This guy is a jerk. Seems he was just looking for a fight. The woman asked. Does he look American? What does American look like in her eyes? Seems the handicap tag in the window is because his brain is handicapped.

    March 25, 2013 at 6:54 PM

    The guy was standing up for his rights. Obviously you don't understand what that entails.

    I've seen a similar video where the words spoken by the driver were almost the same.

    Which is good since it worked both times.

    I don't see what difference it makes which state this happened in. It can happen in ANY state.
    And it is.

    You want to call this guy brain damaged because he knew his rights and exercised them?

    I suggest you may be the one with brain damage. You seem to have it backwards.

    I hope you are not the majority on here, or anywhere for that matter, where you talk the talk but when push comes to shove you roll over and do what the jack boots tell you.

    I want people like you in front of me, I don't trust you behind my back.

  7. What a rude person. Just treat people with respect, and you'll get respect. He would have been gone if he just acted like a grown up.


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