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Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Md. Woman Cited For Driving Too Slow

A Maryland woman was shocked after she received a traffic ticket on Interstate 95 — because it wasn't for speeding.

In fact, she was driving two mph under the speed limit.

The driver, who didn't want her name used, told News4 she was driving in the left lane of I-95 on Laurel last Friday when she was pulled over and cited for failing to move right.

According to the citation, she had been driving 63 mph in the left hand lane in a 65 mph zone. The citation read, "Failure of driver, driving below speed limit, 63 in a 65, to keep right."



  1. This needs to happen on Rt 50 during the summer!!!

    Signs are posted "slower traffic keep right".

    Btw, this same thing happened to a friend of mine driving too slow on the Jersey Turnpike.

  2. Looks to me like VINDICTIVE cop syndrome.
    He was SPEEDING and she was in his way.
    So, does the state owe her money for driving carefully?

  3. She is the typical mindless jerk driving in the left lane holding up traffic. She pays so little attention to the line of cars she is holding up that she didn't even notice one of them was a cop. I wish more cops wrote that ticket.

  4. 535 YEP, A trooper heading to p/u Pizza.

  5. good! that is definitely too slow for the left lane of the beltway.

  6. I think that is GREAT! Now if they could on teach people not to stop in the middle of the road to make a right turn....Stopping in a Yeild lane...and teach people how to drive a Circle....(like in Fruitland) we would be set....

  7. Anonymous said...
    Looks to me like VINDICTIVE cop syndrome.
    He was SPEEDING and she was in his way.
    So, does the state owe her money for driving carefully?

    March 13, 2013 at 5:35 PM

    Looks to me like you are the same cop hater that is constantly bashing cops all the time.

  8. I wish cops would do this more often. Obviously 5:35pm is one of those idiots that stays in the passing lane and intentionally drives slow and won't move over so people can pass. They know who they are because they sometimes look in the rear view mirror and laugh at the 15 cars trying to get past them.

  9. Give the cop a metal and move him here so he can start on Rt 50 writing tickets for the same thing. People have forgotten the right lane is not the travel lane so show them with tickets and maybe they'll learn how to move to the right as the law states!

  10. Come on. How about we all just drive the speed limit? I know - the horror! The same people cheering the cop would be cussing him if they were pulled for going just 2 mph over instead of under. Yea, lets nail them for not speeding and allow others to speed a lot more than 2 mph. That sound like something to teach our kids? Sounds a little upside down to me.

  11. Anonymous said...
    Looks to me like VINDICTIVE cop syndrome.
    He was SPEEDING and she was in his way.
    So, does the state owe her money for driving carefully?

    March 13, 2013 at 5:35 PM

    Looks to me like you are the same cop hater that is constantly bashing cops all the time.

    March 13, 2013 at 6:42 PM

    No, dummy, that would be me. I told you there is more than just one person that you refer to as a 'cop hater'.

    You just think you are so perfect that anyone that offers any criticism of you or your partners in crime that just have to be a cop hater.

    You really need to get your head out of your butt and face reality and face facts.

    You really are pathetic. I don't know you other than what you spout on here but I would bet money you are a shining example of the type of person that SHOULD NOT be hired as a cop.

    You obviously have a problem with receiving criticism and shown for what type of person you really are.

    You are just way to defensive to be innocent. Instead of arguing about people's perception of you, working on improving that perception would be the right thing to do.

    A PROFESSIONAL would realize that and see it as a way to avoid these type of comparisons.

    So there is the answer in a nut shell.

  12. If I remember correctly, that was a pretty windy day. Speed limits are conditions permitting. You wouldn't drive 65 on the Beltway in 4" of snow would you?
    2 mph under the limit is no reason to write a ticket.

  13. Good job officer, (and that's coming from what some think is a cop hater).

    The left lane is NOT a travel lane no matter what their speed.

    I am surprised that someone is finally ticketed for that, but I applaud your actions and recommend you keep doing it and even increase the rate of ticket writing for that particular offense.

    Maybe some of these less qualified drivers will get the point someday.

  14. They know who they are because they sometimes look in the rear view mirror and laugh at the 15 cars trying to get past them.

    March 13, 2013 at 6:44 PM

    And are sometimes the victims of road rage.

  15. 2 mph under the limit is no reason to write a ticket.

    March 13, 2013 at 9:45 PM

    No, it's not, UNLESS it is used to make a point to show she was going LESS than the limit in the LEFT lane.

    That will probably be dropped and get a conviction on failing to keep to the right. As it should!

  16. Sometimes it just so happens that one needs to exit the highmway (turn left) from the left lane and must drive at a slower rate of speed. Try making a turn at 55 or 65 mph and see what happens. Notice I said left lane, not fast lane. There is no such thing as a fast or slow lane. Furthermore the speed limit is THE MAXIMUM LIMIT for all you know it alls. Sometimes depending on conditions or circumstances one must proceed below the maximum speed limit.

  17. Sometimes it just so happens that one needs to exit the highmway (turn left) from the left lane and must drive at a slower rate of speed.

    That's why the have deceleration lanes. Keep up your speed on the highway, enter decel lane and slow down.

    People driving in the left lane holding up traffic for 5 miles because they want to make a left turn is not acceptable either.

    Reverse on acceleration lanes. Build up speed in the Accel lane and then MERGE into the traffic lane. NO ONE is required to move over or slow down to let you in. People with courtesy will to be nice, but it is not their responsibility to make way for anyone.

    There is no such thing as a fast or slow lane.

    Of course there is, and if you traveled in other states you would see that for yourself.

    Furthermore the speed limit is THE MAXIMUM LIMIT for all you know it alls.

    I think everyone knows that.

    Sometimes depending on conditions or circumstances one must proceed below the maximum speed limit.

    March 14, 2013 at 2:10 AM

    That is correct, and when you find yourself in that type of situation, do it in the right lane.

    If you are not overtaking anyone or preparing to make a turn, you are to be in the right lane.

    If you can't keep up with the flow of traffic in whichever lane you are in, move to the right. (Slower traffic keep right).

    I hope people pay heed to these driving tips and lessons. There are plenty of drivers out there that could use them.

    Maybe in the coming weeks they will give out tickets for tailgating, aggressive driving and blocking people in a lane so they cannot change lanes. But of course, that follows under keeping to the right.

    If you treat others with courtesy, other drivers will notice and be courteous to you.

    You will always have a jerk driver out there. The best thing to do in that circumstance is stay away from him.

    Slow down and let him go on up the highway, and let him find the cop in the bushes.

    Pull over and get a cup of coffee or gas or something and let him get miles away.

    You might be surprised how much stress you lose when you do so.

    Don't look into people's cars if you don't have to. If they make an offending gesture you won't see it and it won't ruin your day.

    And they won't think you are giving them an offending look if you are not looking at them.

    Pretty basic common sense stuff really. But that and the art of driving has become a lost art.

    Be safe, be courteous, and relax. You will enjoy your ride much more. Peace.

  18. Beg to differ: the law reads that you are to be passing or overtaking another vehicle to be in the left lane. If she was going under the speed limit, she was more than likely impeding traffic, which often results in other drivers doing unsafe things just to get around them. Especially in that area!

  19. They do it right in Germany. If a faster car comes up behind you and you don't move over and get out of the way. You are in the wrong and will get a ticket.

  20. If the speed limit is the limit then how can one overtake another who is doing the limit without they themselves breaking the law?

  21. If you have time to comment on this post you must not be in a hurry.You probably don't even have anywhere to go that amounts to a hill of beans.Just give the woman her space.


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