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Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Md. Court Of Appeals Rules Man Convicted Of Sex Offense No Longer Has To Register

ANNAPOLIS, Md. (WJZ)– A Maryland law requiring sex offenders to register for monitoring is now being called into question. A state court already ordered one offender’s name off the list.

Monique Griego has more on the effects of the decision.

This week, Maryland’s highest court ruled in favor of a convicted sex offender who wanted his name taken off the state registry, which monitors people convicted of sex crimes.

Now victims’ advocates like Adam Rosenberg fear more names could be removed.

“I think a lot of people in the victim’s community–members, parents–rely on the sex offender registry to know who’s in their neighborhood,” Rosenberg said.



  1. Could lead to an appeal? Are they crazy.

  2. So law abiding citizens will have to register their Guns in MD and convicted sex offenders will not be registered. What a state of affairs!

  3. 8:18 AM...Welcome to Mary Land.

  4. I'll bet Gary is jumping for joy!

  5. This is only the start of Lawsuits that will end this Communist List that only sends out a false sense of security to the public while at the same time wins votes for the useless bunch we have in Annapolis.
    As we all know the fact is 90% of sex offenses are committed by those NOT on the registry , so FACT is now is that the Registry is 90% ineffective. And when you do have someone in your area on the list, you watch them day and night to protect your kids while one not on the list will get them and 90-95% of the time will be a family member or friend ....So now tell me how much tax payers money is going into this ineffective list..


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