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Friday, March 01, 2013

Maxine Waters Warns 170 MILLION Jobs Could Be Lost Due to Sequestration Cuts — But There’s a Huge Problem With Her Estimate

If Congress allows sequestration cuts to take effect, more than 170 million Americans could lose their jobs, according to Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.).

“If sequestration takes place, that’s going to be a great setback. We don’t need to be having something like sequestration that’s going to cause these job losses — over 170 million jobs that could be lost,” Waters said.

She went on to say cuts must be done “over a long period of time.”



  1. What a dumba$$!!

  2. Spending can go up in a NIGHT... why should cuts be made "over a long period of time"? End our walk towards the United States of Entitlement.

  3. How in the Hell can a dumb ass like that get elected.

  4. Comrade Obama a Comrade BidenMarch 1, 2013 at 3:35 PM

    Maxine Waters has been making these kind of idiotic comments for years. Just like the 'Queen Bee' Nancy Pelosi. For some reason these 'intelligent voters' of California keep putting them in the office. They must be happy about gas being $5 bucks a gallon and their taxes going up?
    Oh. I forgot, most of them don't pay taxes.

  5. she's the one that slipped and said we need socialism in this country.
    a real idiot and has power.

  6. She is just plain stupid.

  7. lol....she has no idea! lol.....

  8. She just representing.
    Unfortunately she represents the large # of educationally challenged people that we as taxpayers subsidize.

  9. The bell curve.
    Waters has an I.Q. of about 80

  10. One of the worst people in Congress. She is just below Pelosi - or come to think of it- maybe just above. Either way, they need a TV talk show and nothing to do with the Government. That way we could just "turn them off"!

  11. Poor thing she must have had a lobotomy.

  12. She's comparable to the one senator or congressman who had the theory that if people all went to one side of some island country that it would tip over into the sea... She's got that much intelligence, but no more!

  13. You know, Darwin was right!

  14. this is what our education system in this country has produced! funny as all hell ain't it!
    Wish one of those jobs not coming back was hers!

  15. She's kinfolk to Alex!

  16. Can we get rid of her dumb A/s job.

  17. And SHE is one of our "representatives"! Its a good thing Congress doesn't censure members for being too stupid to be alive.....GUARANTEE that no staff members of ANY congressional office will take a pay cut, lose any hours, or sacrifice any benefits. They won't even have to give up a parking slot. Oh no. Suffering will be contained within the ranks of the serfs, not the Masters.


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