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Friday, March 08, 2013

Maryland Might Become First To Enact Statewide 5-cent Bag Charge

Maryland could become the first state to impose a charge for disposable bags this year if a coalition of environmental, religious and business groups persuades lawmakers that a proposed 5-cent fee would help the environment and not burden low-income residents.

The proposed fee, which would apply to plastic and paper bags, comes as at least five other states — Hawaii, New Jersey, New York, Vermont and Washington — contemplate a similar charge. At least six states — Arkansas, California, Florida, New Jersey, Oregon and Rhode Island — are considering banning all disposable bags.

Douglas Shinkle, a senior policy analyst with the National Conference of State Legislatures, said momentum for such fees has been growing nationally at a time when cash-strapped states worry that the proliferation of bags in waterways will make it more difficult to comply with strict federal clean-water rules. 



  1. Just another way for Maryland to rape the people that live in this god forsaken state if it don't move tax it

  2. This is just BS. Let's keep gouging the consumers by the left wing wacko environmentalists. When is all this CRAP going to stop and common sense start taking over?

  3. Reliable sources confirm that shortly to follow will be a "door closure tax" where as each time you open or close a door....2 cent tax charge.....

  4. We didn't ask for anything plastic. Milk bottles, bags, whatever. They were shoved upon us. I resent having to pay or do anything else because of it. I will ask for paper. If it's not available, I'll bring my own.

  5. 5-cent fee would help the environment and not burden low-income residents.

    Already overburdened!

  6. weve been recycling. whats wrong with that.

  7. Food lion in Delaware will be happy. If Walmart was smart they would move two miles north

  8. Is anyone else getting sick of Maryland with all their fees, taxes and charges. Charging 5 cents a bag is not good for business and will certainly hurt many businesses. These d@mn democrats have to go!!

  9. I buy smokes and liquor in Delaware,I hope Giant or Harris Teeter build a store in Delmar. Come to think of it, if the gas tax is passed I'll be buying fuel there also.

  10. If it can be taxed O'Malley will find a way. Glad I shop at Food Lion in Delmar.

  11. please, please move out of MD if you hate it so much. This will be a better place without you.

  12. 2:06 FYI

    I did switch my residency to another state and took a lot of tax dollars with me. I still love the eastern shore and visit for a couple months in the summer, but refuse to be taxed by the western shore.

  13. 2:06 if all us working people leave MD who's going to pay for your lazy welfare ass. People like you are worthless no good leaches sucking off the working people so you don't have to. And since you have no ability to take care of yourself what will you do when your goverment freebies stop?

  14. Is the bill titled make Marylanders sick.

    After all reusing bags is about the most stupid thing you can do. You spread health risk like crazy doing that. You get something then spread it all around wherever you shop. You wash the bag and it takes far more energy than making another clean plastic bag.

    Pure stupidity.

  15. Isn't there already one grocery store in town that charges for each bag? Not for tax, but for their pocket.

  16. I think VA and MD are in a contest who can come up with the most asinine taxes, and MD is now in the lead....back to you VA.

  17. How do we know for certain, the monies gained from said tax will go for a cleaner, healthier environment? This will end up being raided by o'malley for something else. Remember, when the bridge tolls went up? Those monies were to be used for highway repairs. We all know that didn't happen did it????
    I don't trust o'malley.

  18. If it was local to Salisbury they could title it the Barry bag tax

  19. what is he proposing to cut ???? All we hear is his proposals for new Taxes..guess what .. I'm leaving this state..a come here who is fed up and choosing to vote with my feet!!! since round here the libtarded rule

  20. 2:06, I already did. Living in DE I enjoy lower taxes and still get to use all the stuff in Maryland that you pay for. Kinda like having your cake and eating it too.

  21. Comrade O'Malley & Comrade ObamaMarch 8, 2013 at 7:09 PM

    Comrade OweMalley, read my lips - Tax Enough Already. You have imposed on us, citizens of Maryland, 25 Tax hikes and New fees while in the office. We the people had Enough! You havve also proposed Another Tax on Gasoline, like the price of fuel wasn't high enough already. Now you trying to pass the Gun Control Law, so we will have no guns to protect our families with, while you enjoy fully armed bodyguard service paid for by us, the taxpayers. And as a Roman Catholic you are pretend to be, you have pushed and passed the law to legalize Same Sex Marriage. So I do ask - Are You just the HYPOCRITE or Have You Sold Your Soul to the Devil?

  22. This is not what we had in mind when we thought they said "nickel bag". Time for the hearing aid battery change.

  23. They already do this nonsense in some counties like MONTGOMERY. The theft rate in Montgomery county from stores WENT THROUGH THE ROOF people people won't buy bags and walk out with merchandise all the time.

    This is another liberal way to kill the american people slowly. Seriously, when you go to walmart to buy groceries they charge you 5 cents a bag. So you have to walk out with all the crap in a cart, load it in your car individually, and get it out individually if you don't want to pay this tax. Write your state delegate. It sucks and is COMPLETELY ridiculous.

  24. So carry your green bags, what's so darn hard about that. If you don't want to pay, bring your own, I know I will.

  25. 2:22
    How do you plan on cleaning those bags if meat or chicken spill in them?

  26. It is amazing how stupid politicians are. Can you actually see a walmart clerk counting bags? Shoot, they put like 3 items in a bag most of the time, I have to usually consolidate what they've done just so i dont end up with 15 friggin bags. I usually use my own cloth bags but admit to using plastic for meats. Maybe if they actually taught clerks how to pack a friggin bag, there would be less waste. Its like they get a bonus for who can use up more bags. Then at the self check out you can swipe as many bags as you want for free, unless you have to pre buy your bags and try to guess how many you may need. So now stores will have to pay an employee just to pre sell you bags. Like I said, politicians are idiots.

  27. 2:24

    I'm not 2:22, but I suspect he or she cleans bags the same way I do: I put them in the washing machine with a load of laundry.


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