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Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Maryland Bills Take Shots At Dream Act

ANNAPOLIS - Bills heard before a House panel on Wednesday would require colleges in the University System of Maryland to report how many illegal immigrants attended each year and to cap the number of out-of-state students allowed at state schools.

Sponsor Del. Neil Parrott, R-Washington County, said the bills were intended to bring some accountability to the Maryland Dream Act, which was approved by voters in November and grants in-state tuition to some illegal immigrants living in Maryland.

His first bill would require colleges in the university system to report annually how many students enrolled were in the country illegally, and how many of them paid in-state or out-of-state tuition.



  1. So, let me get this straight. The bills at hand are trying in every way they can to undermine the vote of the citizens of Maryland. Another statement that the people do not have enough sense to do it right and have to be corrected. Typical attitude.

  2. This would accomplish noting but spending money to obtain useless statistics.

  3. Why are they going there to begin with? What is the definition of illegal? Has it changed? This state's government SUCKS!


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