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Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Mark Kelly's Purchase Of Rifle Draws Criticism

The husband of former U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords went to a Tucson gun store a week ago to buy a .45-caliber handgun and a military-style rifle the day before he appeared with his wife at the supermarket where she was wounded in a rampage two years ago. It didn't take long for the purchase to draw criticism from gun-rights supporters.

Mark Kelly said he bought the AR-15-style weapon to draw attention to the relative ease with which people can get the type of gun that the shooter used in the Newtown school and Colorado movie theater killings. Gun-rights advocates attacked him for being a hypocrite for buying the same gun that he has been lobbying Congress to ban.

Kelly on Friday posted a photo on Facebook of him filling out paperwork at the gun shop. He also posted a statement on the gun debate in Washington that included his reasons for buying the rifle.



  1. For people with no criminal background, it should be easy!! This gun still took him over 2 weeks to get. Seems to me the current system worked!

  2. Those silly Democrats. We need to ban all guns, except for the ones I own.

  3. Mark Kelly is an opportunistic hypocrite who uses his wife bullet to the head to promote the leftist agenda.

  4. Limosine liberals,you gotta love them.

  5. He should be able to buy them, as well as all of us, to protect his wife! If he were able to carry open or concealed that day and had been present, would not have the carnage been different? He is a hypocrite if he thinks being unarmed that day would have made the day "safer"

    Think about that and get back to me.

  6. 7:24,He showed up at an anti-gun rally with his wife the day after buying the AR15,thats what the muss is all about.

  7. He's a pansy ass hypocrite who, like someone who lost a loved one in a drunk driver incident, thinks its okay to force the rest of us to give up our rights in order to solve his personal tragedy. Life ain't fair and sometimes is downright mean, but you don't get to surrender MY rights just because you don't want YOURS any more.

  8. I was of the understanding the Newtown shooter did NOT use an AR-15 but rather had pistols and high capacity magazines. A shame the stories are so muddled.

  9. I am tired of hearing about this couple.

    Everyone says get rid of government workers, corrupt politicians, tyrants, etc., but when it actually happens, they all tuck their tails and run for cover.

    That was what change looks like.

    If you can't handle the mess that goes with it, stop talking smack.



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