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Saturday, March 16, 2013

Judge Again Dismisses Wrongful Termination Suit

BERLIN -- A visiting Worcester County Circuit Court judge last week dismissed for the second time a lawsuit filed by a former Berlin Fire Department supervisor against the town and its elected officials, alleging wrongful termination and calling into question the town’s authority to fire, suspend or discipline emergency services personnel. The plaintiff’s attorney said today he has filed an appeal with the state’s Court of Special Appeals.

In May, the town terminated EMS supervisor Norris Phillip Donohoe, Jr. after 23 years on the job when at least two EMS employees filed formal complaints that alleged workplace harassment and discrimination. In July, Donohoe filed a civil suit against the Mayor and Council and Town Administrator Tony Carson, seeking at least $200,000 and alleging the Berlin officials did not have the authority to terminate, or even discipline, him over allegations of harassment and discrimination. Instead, Donohoe, in his complaint, said that authority wrested with his immediate supervisors, the fire chief and the fire company president.



  1. Wrested is a word - try Wikipedia before you mock others.

  2. Time for ACLU, bring in the big dogs! Look out Salisbury.

  3. 8:58, did you even read the article? Berlin.....not Salisbury.

  4. Wrested is a word - try Wikipedia before you mock others.

    March 16, 2013 at 7:01 PM

    Instead, Donohoe, in his complaint, said that authority wrested with his immediate supervisors, the fire chief and the fire company president.

    wrested past participle, past tense of wrest (Verb)
    Forcibly pull (something) from a person's grasp.
    Take (something, esp. power or control) from someone or something else after considerable effort or difficulty.

    b : to be based or founded
    : to remain for action or accomplishment

    mock mock mock

  5. Oh, I should have included that b and 6 were definitions to the word rested. I'm sure I have confused the dolt.

  6. No doubt Robin Cockey will appeal - his reocd as an "employment law" guru is getting tarnished.

  7. "Anonymous said...
    Wrested is a word - try Wikipedia before you mock others.

    March 16, 2013 at 7:01 PM"

    Where do you see that 3:34 was mocking 7:01? It appears as though they were simply curious about the word.
    You sound paranoid.

  8. best part of the story is the day this was released, they (BFD) finally fired the persone involved, Tydall! YEAH!


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