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Friday, March 01, 2013

Its Time For A New Mayor


  1. I would say that only about 50% of 'we, the people" are fed up. Maybe even less. Everyone sucking up welfare, free housing, medical care and the "earned" income credit tax refunds are perfectly happy with the status quo. Then add all the goofs who say "the system is working". Add in the idiots who think anyone who suggests that our government doesn't actually have OUR best interests at heart are traitors. We could be down to, like, maybe 7-10%? But since the first American Revolution was accomplished quite nicely by only about 2-3% of the popoulation, there is still hope.

  2. No, Im the % refers to the % of "fed up", not the % of people who are fed up. Those who are cannot be more fed up.

  3. Great post Mr. Albero. The thing speaks for itself!


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