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Sunday, March 03, 2013

I Love It!


  1. I hate onions also! Always ask for everything w/out them. Most times they get it right. I send it back if an onion has touched it!

  2. There's your tip!

  3. That's so passive aggressive. That was some trendy too scared to ask for what he paid for. Mad at the waitress for the kitchens f up.

  4. People that don't like onions are wierd.

  5. I agree.. people are just weird...

    Funny a lot of people don't like ketchup yet they eat tomato's...

  6. That's the spirit! Be as passive aggressive as possible! I'm going to assume no tip was left on a mistake the kitchen made.

    ** TIP **
    If there is something - ANYTHING - wrong with your food, tell the server. They work on tips, they will do whatever it takes to make you happy. If they don't, ask for a manager. They work off of return customers, they will do whatever it takes to make you happy.

  7. Looks like they ate the sandwich


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