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Saturday, March 02, 2013

How Modern Life Transforms Men Into Wussies

Manly Activity

Ever watched a classic action flick? Of course, you have. Movies like Die Hard, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Lethal Weapon,First Blood, and 300 have become fixtures in the American psyche. All these movies feature either a lone man or a small group fighting in a desperate, violent struggle and yet, somehow, someway coming out on top. Throughout most of America’s history, the average man could more easily relate to the experiences in those movies the way someone who shoots hoops at the park could relate to watching a NBA game. Sure, they might not be able to do what they were seeing on the screen, but they were well acquainted with violence. Either they had inflicted it, suffered it or seen it up close and personal. We’re a nation that was birthed in a bloody revolution, where feuds and dueling were frequent occurrences, where intermittent battles with Indians occurred until the twenties, where roughly twenty percent of the male population served in WWII, and fist fights and brawling were relatively common.


  1. More like FAT lay a bouts and yes men too Women, I am sure our forefathers are real proud of us>

  2. To this point, last week I bought a rechargeable flashlight from Walmart. Its instruction had about 20 individual warnings. I couldn't help but think what a bunch of wussies that we have become to need all those warnings on a flashlight. Its sad, really sad, that we can't protect ourselves from a flashlight.

  3. Ok, seems to me that the lesson is that the "manly" thing to do these days is to get an education/training in the skill that will get you paid so that you can provide a maximum amount of resources for your family. Seems to me this isn't too far from what has always been "manly". This whole article seems to me to be nothing more than whining because you can no longer drop out of HS and expect to work at the lumber yard while the mrs. plays the good housewife and lets you get into bar brawls every Fri. night.


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