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Friday, March 15, 2013

House Votes To Extend DNA Testing

The Maryland House of Delegates has voted to maintain a much-debated state law that allows police to take DNA samples from arrestees without a warrant.

In 2009, the state began requiring people arrested for certain violent crimes to submit a DNA sample before going to trial. The U.S. Supreme Court heard a case challenging the law last month. The court has yet to rule.



  1. In MD the state government will always disregard the rights of the people versus the will of the state unless forced to do otherwise.

  2. We're talking about criminals, they shouldn't have more rights than you and I do as a victim but they because people like you.

  3. Actually we're talking about arresstees...it's not like no one innocent has ever been arrested before. How long before the cops are taking DNA swabs during routine traffic stops or DUI check points?

  4. Vote with ur feet.MD is lost in libtard land n the way forward to a new world order...time to leave.. yes they voted for obtaining DNA samples of unconvicted detainees ..Oh I dont want to hear I haven't done anything wrong!!! do you not realize that once they get your DNA and science advances you will have something wrong with you eventually...genetical speaking..

  5. 3:03 its because of people like you we are living in a police state. Maybe you were picked up by the police because you dared to own a gun. WAKE UP man.

  6. Do they take fingerprints when someone is arrested? Do they take a photo? Is this any different?

    If the arrest was deemed to be inappropriate, or the person is found innocent, do they destroy the fingerprints and photos?

    Betcha they hold on to `em....

  7. Welcome to Nazi-ville !

  8. Sure. The police NEVER make up charges. Oh no. Never. People arrested for "obstruction of justice", "disturbing the peace", the tried and true "hindering a police officer" are ALWAYS guilty. These are the charges that the police use (because they can be used against just about anyone) to suppress and control citizens who piss them off by questioning their actions or saying something to them that they didn't like (our CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT, which means exactly nothing to them). Ocean City cops (the STUPIDEST and shortest cops in the state) use these charges ALL THE TIME (look at the docket if you think that ain't true). I point this out to show that it doesn't take much for the police to get someone to be FORCED to give potential evidence against themselves. I THOUGHT Americans were supposed to be protected against self-incrimination. And photos and fingerprints are a world apart from DNA samples. Before a trial, before conviction, the government FORCES you to submit evidence that can be used against you. You don't have to SPEAK (anything you SAY will be used AGAINST you), but you have to give a DNA sample?? Great idea. In China. North Korea. Iran. But the USA? Seig Heil!!! I'm still in favor of hanging every single politician in office. This just reinforces that concept.

  9. "Police State" lol love the made up term. Citizens outnumber police 5,000 to 1.

  10. "Police State" lol love the made up term. Citizens outnumber police 5,000 to 1.

    March 16, 2013 at 7:51 AM

    It's not a made up term moranboyturnedmoron.

    If cops were outnumbered 5000 to 1 you would think they would know better than to do the crap they do.

    But they are not that smart. They rule by fear and intimidation.

    When the tables turn on them, WHEN not if, they will be ruled by pain and bloodshed.

    I won't shed a single tear.

  11. "Arrested" does not equal "Convicted". Arrested means you have your Miranda Rights, which should include unreasonable search and seizure and the presence of a lawyer.

    This does nor wash.


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