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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

House Approves Shark Fin Ban

ANNAPOLIS, Md. -- A measure banning the trade of shark fins in Maryland has cleared the House of Delegates.

The bill passed on a 115-17 vote Monday. The measure now goes to the Senate, where there is a similar bill pending.

Shark fins are used in traditional Chinese soup. Demand has led to the practice of slicing off the fins of a shark while it is still alive and discarding the wounded shark at sea.



  1. One of the best eating fish in the sea and all they cut off is the fin? What about the $12 a pound shark filets in grocery seafood sections? Are'nt they at least worth keeping for the rest of it.Whoever cuts off the fin and releases the disabled shark needs to be shot.


  2. finally, this bunch actually did something that makes sense for a change!

  3. Wish they would round up all the self-righteous tree hugging enviro terrorists in this country and ship em to China--good lord if they saw the pollution of the air, land and rivers there they would go bezerk!!!! Keep them busy for the next century.


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