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Thursday, March 07, 2013

Holder Gives Paul Assurance On Drones

In response to Sen. Rand Paul's 13-hour filibuster, Attorney General Eric Holder sends letter clarifying that the president does not have the authority to use a drone to kill a noncombatant American citizen on U.S. soil.


  1. Define combatant.....

  2. Is this supposed to make me feel better? Does this criminals' "assurance" mean anything to anybody? It sure as hell doesn't to me. Are the republicans really stupid enough to take the word of these communists who have never told the truth about anything? It is just a ploy to make the issue go away. When the time cones, they will do whatever they want anyhow and we (the people) will suffer the wrath of our almighty dictator.

  3. So you mean I don't have to keep looking up at the sky like I have been doing waiting for the drone strike because I voted against the commie bastards.

  4. Too late now, the law is on the books, and neither Obma not Holder will vote to repeal it, and Holder already answered the question yesterday!

  5. Just like the assurance he gave the US Council pf Bishops that Obamacare wouldn't require faith based employers to fund abortion????

    Trust him not. It is up to each of us to defend the Constitution.

  6. Oh. They SAID they wouldn't do it. Right after they said they could. And they are the epitomy of honor and integrity. I believe them. He DID cut the deficit in half. Closed Guantanamo. Held taxes down. Guaranteed -- they went back into their offices and asked each other -- "do you think they fell for it?".....keep cheering theses Nazi's. Of course the trains are going to a relocation camp...don't worry about the rumours of a some "death camp"...we are trying to help you!


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