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Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Hogan Blasts O’Malley’s Gas Tax Proposal

Earlier this week Governor O’Malley again proposed increasing the gas tax, which, if enacted, would be his 25th consecutive tax hike. The Governor has already enacted 24 tax, toll, and fee increases that have taken an additional $2.4 billion every year out of the pockets of struggling Maryland families and small businesses. The Governor’s latest tax increase proposal is yet another regressive tax that hits the state’s most vulnerable the hardest. Maryland already has the highest income, corporate, and other tax rates in the region. If the Governor’s gas tax increase is enacted, Maryland will have the highest gas taxes in the entire region.

The Governor complains that Maryland has crumbling roads and bridges and the worst traffic congestion in the country, but what he doesn’t tell you is that it’s his fault. There has been no comprehensive transportation strategy from the O’Malley administration. Over a billion dollars has been diverted from the Transportation Trust Fund, and the vast majority of the billions of dollars that has been spent on transportation have been wasted on expenses that are completely unrelated to fixing our road problems. Now he wants struggling Maryland families to pay for his mistakes and his lack of leadership.

Over the last 4 years, Governor O’Malley has spent over $1 billion in dedicated transportation funds for things completely unrelated to transportation – even the money left in the transportation budget was also spent in the wrong place. In his 2014 budget, O’Malley proposes to spend $1.1 billion – a whopping 46% of our state capital and operating transportation budget – on public transportation, even though only 8% of us use public transportation to commute.



  1. Agreed. Larry Hogan says it like it is.

  2. One half of the people are paying taxes, one half are not. They ones that are not paying are getting more and more government "free" stuff from the revenue. The taxpayers are getting more and more taxes taken from their paychecks and more restrictions and regulations on their lives.
    The people paying the taxes are not being represented by the politicians only the moochers. There needs to be a tax revolt. NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION.

  3. And half those riding "public trans" do so on vouchers they receive from DHS!That the taxpayers are paying for!

  4. Tic toc tic toc as the clock gets closer to my departure from the communist state of MD..i say no to taxation without represenration..leaving due to stupidity in annapolis...

  5. Sick psychotic maniacle imbasile bastards like omally should be ommited....impeached...run out on a rail..!!.....HE IS A GLOBALIST MARXIST MORON..BAT EARED WARLOCK..PERIOD.!


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