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Friday, March 08, 2013

Here We Go Again

While the Ireton signs are few and far between, funny how I keep finding them on landlord properties and or on non registered voters properties. Say goodnight Gracie. 


  1. That picture speaks VOLUMES...LOL.

  2. Maybe jim can put up signs on Bars/Restaurants property...Since he loves BUSINESSES so much....NOT.LOL.

  3. Jim Ireton and the LLC - Landlord Legacy of Cannon. That says it all.

  4. Does Cannon know this?

  5. I do not understand... I thought that candidates had signs for the owners to place on their property if they wanted to support the candidate. Does this mean that the candidate put his own sign on this property without the permission of the owner? Is that legal?

  6. Where are they Joe?
    Ireton's signs would make great kindling for my fire in my fireplace!

  7. Is anyone else getting sick and tired of getting these unsolicited BCC emails from Jim Ireton and Jake Day?? I didn't give either one of them my email address so I am confident Jim Ireton stole it some how through the city and then gave them to Jake Day for his campaign. I smell corruption!!

  8. Landlords are the ones paying taxes that runs Salisbury so I guess you think they should not have a say?

  9. Those signs are a waste of money in any election.

  10. 5:19 Street talk is the email addresses were stolen from Joe's phone the night of Ireton's alleged phone caper.

  11. Those 2 fellas sure are getting close and 'pally' 5:19. Jake's fiance better keep a close eye on those 2!

  12. joe, i see the crooked humane society prez bonnie gordy has a ireton and day sign in her yard in pittsville.i hope when you become mayor you can clean house theretoo.


  13. Tell 10:02 Pittsville is not in the city limits of Salisbury, and it is the Humane Society of Wicomico County, not Salisbury. You will have enough on your plate and at present cannot save Wicomico County, only Salisbury.

  14. Jim Ireton is a trader and us Southerners refer to them as Turncoats. He is going to lose this election big time if the majority of the voters get out and vote.

  15. Anonymous said...
    Landlords are the ones paying taxes that runs Salisbury so I guess you think they should not have a say?

    March 8, 2013 at 6:06 PM

    The only thing they should say is I am sorry for turning a once great city into a cesspool. And by the way they are Slumlords not landlords. If they cared about this city they would live in the city limits like I do. They chose to live in high end developments in the county and out of state where their Slumlord rent allows them to.

  16. I wonder what the most expensive or valuable house in the Salisbury city limits is worth? Does anyone have any idea?

  17. Why is there so much on here about stolen signs?

  18. This ignorance can't possibly be real. Let's start with 4:41. How do you know the owner isn't the one who placed the sign? And then we have 7:33. What exactly is it that Mayor Ireton trades and with whom? Please don't insult real Southerners with your lack of education. To 7:42, why are you so concerned with folks who are "pally?" Is that even a word? Geesh, people, get a life and worry about some real problems. If Joe is your guy, and you can actually vote, then do it. Otherwise try to keep the stupid comments to yourselves.

  19. Renters vote too and are free to put up signs.What is the problem?

  20. Why does it make ANY difference whether the owner of the yard with the sign is a registered voter or not? As long as you have the owners permission to plant the sign, who cares? I thought that the reason you plant signs was so that you could get all those who pass by the sign to know your name and hopefully vote for you. Not get just the single vote of the person who owns the property.

  21. Anonymous said...
    This ignorance can't possibly be real. Let's start with 4:41. How do you know the owner isn't the one who placed the sign? And then we have 7:33. What exactly is it that Mayor Ireton trades and with whom? Please don't insult real Southerners with your lack of education. To 7:42, why are you so concerned with folks who are "pally?" Is that even a word? Geesh, people, get a life and worry about some real problems. If Joe is your guy, and you can actually vote, then do it. Otherwise try to keep the stupid comments to yourselves.

    March 9, 2013 at 10:39 AM

    7:33am here, I think you know what I meant here Dirt Bag Democrat. Traitor was misspelled first thing in the morning for someone who is taking pain meds due to an injury. I bet I am more Southern and educated than you will ever be. Let me guess, you voted for Obama and Ireton both. He is not a mayor and not even anything more than a lowly part time school teacher who might lose 2 jobs in April.

  22. 7:33,3:49. Want some cheese with that whine? Excuses, excuses. I stand by my earlier comment. You, jerk, are ignorant. But let's play that I bet I'm smarter than you game, but only after you hurl some insults first. A real Southerner is a gentleman or lady, and you are neither. Go back to the woods.

  23. Anonymous said...
    Anonymous said...
    Landlords are the ones paying taxes that runs Salisbury so I guess you think they should not have a say?

    March 8, 2013 at 6:06 PM

    The only thing they should say is I am sorry for turning a once great city into a cesspool. And by the way they are Slumlords not landlords. If they cared about this city they would live in the city limits like I do. They chose to live in high end developments in the county and out of state where their Slumlord rent allows them to.

    March 9, 2013 at 7:36 AM



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