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Thursday, March 21, 2013

Gas Tax

As you may have heard HB 1515, the gas tax bill has been passed by the House Ways & Means Committee. After all of the pressure for a Constitutional Amendment to protect the fund from future raids, the bill includes a meaningless requirement for a 3/5th vote of the budget committees to allow allow future raids on the fund. This is an insulting joke! Over a billion has been taken from the fund to grow the rest of the budget The dirty secret is that a gas tax is easier to pass because people want their roads and bridges maintained. But most of the money goes to mass transit and other purposes, not roads. The sales tax added to the price of gasoline would be tied to the CPI and increase automatically without the legislature having to vote. This has been a long held dream for liberals in the General Assembly, who like more revenue and no accountability.

From Americans for Prosperity – Take action

The 60% tax hike will head to the full House of Delegates for consideration and you must act now!

E-Mail all of your elected officials with our easy to use action alert now!

It's imperative that Marylanders across the State contact their legislators telling them to vote "NO" on O'Malley's gas tax hike.

In one step you can share this important action alert:

Click "Forward to a Friend" to share this e-mail with your friends and family so they can oppose O'Malley's unacceptable gas tax hike.


  1. You stupid democrats you just lost the tax on the gas, from two more people. Welcome Delaware.

  2. delmar del here i come!


  3. Delaware is going to need to build more gas stations.

  4. I have had Enough of being Fn TAXED.


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